Barangay Management System

You can create account from staff/user/admin. Manage barangay officials/sk officials. Issue certificate of residency. Barangay permit Indigency. Business permit. Add residents

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when login .. after insert user and password .. not login !!! in browser : http://localhost/2/adminlogin.php and stop it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

lodi baka pwede pa update ng database pag aralan ko lang po convert ko siya sa c# window based

sir please provide clear instruction for the installation of this.....

mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Barangay\residents.php o

kulang sa code

Thank you so much for sharing this code. It is so challenging to solve this. I appreciate it on how you incomplete the code for us to solve the rest of the problems. thank you

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