Online Enrolment with Billing System is a computerized system wherein a
student can register online for enrollment and awaits confirmation from the admin so he can view his profile and the subjects that he enrolled. The confirmation of the admin will be done
once the student made payments. In this system, the students can
upload their concerns while the admin can add load and schedule of instructors, add news and can do the backup and restore the database.
These are the following features of the system.
Admin Side
- Manage New Enrollees
- Manage Subjects
- Manage Departments
- Manage Courses
- Manage Loads And Schedules
- Manage Instructors
- Manage Semester
- Manage News
- Manage Concerns
- Class Utilization
- Manage Reports
- Manage Users
- Backup and Restore
Cashier Side
- Encoder Rate
- Manage Payments
Students Side
- Enroll
- Student Profile
- Grades
- Update Account
- Concern
- Payment History
Login and Logout
Access this system using the admin accounts:
Password: admin
Download and install the following:
xampp latest version
For more information about the system. You can contact me @
Email –
[email protected]
Mobile No. – 09305235027 – TNT
or feel free to comment below
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