Memory Tiles Game in Javascript
Submitted by Oelasor on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 - 12:10.
Memory Tiles Game is a tile matching game using set of paired tiles randomly placed on a board with their faces/images down or hidden. The player has to find and remove all matching pairs of tiles in the least possible moves by remembering where tiles are located.
To play Memory Tiles:
1 Click a tile to turn it over, and then click a second tile to turn that tile over. If the tiles match, they are removed. If not, they are turned face down again.
2 Keep trying to match pairs of tiles until there are no more tiles left. Your score is shown at the left side of the board: you get points for each match you find, (and lose points for each miss), and you get bonus points for getting triplets (three matches in a row).
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