How to have a Center Screen Window in Java

Some of the programs in java is set to its user location using the setLocation method of the JFrame or JWindow because they find it hard to center their window screen. So here in this tutorial, we will create a program that has a center screen window in Java. Now let's start this tutorial! 1. Open JCreator or NetBeans and make a java program with a file name of 2. Import the following package library:
  1. import java.awt.*; //used to access the Dimension and Toolkit class
  2. import javax.swing.*; //used to access the JFrame class
3. We will initialize variables in our Main, variable frame as JFrame, kit as ToolKit, and wndSize as Dimension.
  1.     JFrame frame = new JFrame("This is a Center Screen Window");
  2.     Toolkit kit = frame.getToolkit(); // Get the window toolkit
  3.     Dimension wndSize = kit.getScreenSize(); // Get screen size
4. Now, we will set the position to screen center & size to half screen size. We will use the setBounds method here of the frame and then get in on the Dimension class variable declared above.
  1.     frame.setBounds(wndSize.width / 4, wndSize.height / 4, // Position
  2.     wndSize.width / 2, wndSize.height / 2); // Size
5. Display the window using the setVisible method of the frame that returns to true.
  1. frame.setVisible(true); // Display the window
Lastly, close the Operation.
  1. frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
Output: output Here's the full code of this tutorial:
  1. import java.awt.*; //used to access the Dimension and Toolkit class
  2. import javax.swing.*; //used to access the JFrame class
  4. public class centerScreen {
  5.   public static void main(String[] args) {
  6.     JFrame frame = new JFrame("This is a Center Screen Window");
  7.     Toolkit kit = frame.getToolkit(); // Get the window toolkit
  8.     Dimension wndSize = kit.getScreenSize(); // Get screen size
  10.     // Set the position to screen center & size to half screen size
  11.     frame.setBounds(wndSize.width / 4, wndSize.height / 4, // Position
  12.     wndSize.width / 2, wndSize.height / 2); // Size
  13.     frame.setVisible(true); // Display the window
  14.     frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
  15.   }
  16. }
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Engr. Lyndon R. Bermoy
IT Instructor/System Developer/Android Developer
Mobile: 09079373999
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