Complete Inventory Management Software version [GST Updates]
This Project written in VB.NET as front end and MS SQL Server 2008 r2 as Back end.
Changes Log in v4.0 :
1. Barcode Support
2. Barcode label printing module
3. Purchase return module
4. Sales Return Module
Main Features are:
- Master Entries :
- Company Info
- Company's Contacts
- Category
- Sub Category
- SMS Setting
- SQL Server Setting
- Customers Management
- Suppliers Management
- Products Management
- Expense Vouchers Management
- Services Management
- Barcode Support
- Barcode label printing
- Billing (Products + Services)
- Invoice Management
- Quotations Management
- SMS Sending using HTTP api
- Users
- Registration
- Change Password
- Records
- Customers
- Suppliers
- Products
- Stock
- Quotations
- Billing
- Reports
- Sales
- Services Billing
- Profit and Loss
- Stock IN and OUT
- Creditors and Debtors
- Expenditures
- Purchase
- Purchase Daybook
- General Daybook
- Supplier Ledger
- Customer Ledger
- General Ledger
- Salesman Ledger
- Salesman Commission
- Credit Terms
- Credit Terms Statements
- Trial Balance
- Overall report using Charts and Histograms
- System Logs,Database backup and restore,Low stock Indicator,Reorder point and many more
Please don't forget to give credit to original developer because I really worked hard to develop this project and please don't forget to like and share it if you found it useful :)
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You just show every thing in youtube demo
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it is
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Gready programmer
Get this Software with complete Source code Free
Great project
Mr. Raj Sharma
Please provide full source code as per video
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