Complete Inventory Management Software version [GST Updates]

This Project written in VB.NET as front end and MS SQL Server 2008 r2 as Back end.
Changes Log in v4.0 : 1. Barcode Support 2. Barcode label printing module 3. Purchase return module 4. Sales Return Module Main Features are:

  1. Master Entries :
    1. Company Info
    2. Company's Contacts
    3. Category
    4. Sub Category
    5. SMS Setting
    6. SQL Server Setting
  2. Customers Management
  3. Suppliers Management
  4. Products Management
  5. Expense Vouchers Management
  6. Services Management
  7. Barcode Support
  8. Barcode label printing
  9. Billing (Products + Services)
  10. Invoice Management
  11. Quotations Management
  12. SMS Sending using HTTP api
  13. Users
    1. Registration
    2. Change Password
  14. Records
    1. Customers
    2. Suppliers
    3. Products
    4. Stock
    5. Quotations
    6. Billing
  15. Reports
    1. Sales
    2. Services Billing
    3. Profit and Loss
    4. Stock IN and OUT
    5. Creditors and Debtors
    6. Expenditures
    7. Purchase
    8. Purchase Daybook
    9. General Daybook
    10. Supplier Ledger
    11. Customer Ledger
    12. General Ledger
    13. Salesman Ledger
    14. Salesman Commission
    15. Credit Terms
    16. Credit Terms Statements
    17. Trial Balance
    18. Overall report using Charts and Histograms
  16. System Logs,Database backup and restore,Low stock Indicator,Reorder point and many more
  17. Please don't forget to give credit to original developer because I really worked hard to develop this project and please don't forget to like and share it if you found it useful :)

    For students or anyone else who needs program or source code for thesis writing or any Professional Software Development,Website Development,Mobile Apps Development at affordable cost contact me at Email : [email protected],[email protected] Facebook : skype- [email protected] WhatsApp or Viber - +919827858191 Contact Number - +919827858191 Hangout- [email protected] note: Source Code is only available for educational purpose , plz dont use it for commercial purpose without permission of original author

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thank you for your great works and efforts

you always send half projects and never full ones, files are always missing in your projects. You always find it difficult to send full projects so that others can learn from you that is not fair.

r u kidding me ? what is not available in this project ? tell me.... GST Updates are for Indians only.. GST Updates are useless for other countries people... most of the country has VAT Tax System....

Hi Sir Raj.Sharma Your project is very wonderful. if you don't mind pls send me a full copy of your project. i just want to learn more about programing in POS. and one thing pls send me a data and the complete project . Thank you Sir Raj.Sharma."GOD BLESS" [email protected] [email protected] Best Regards, Franck Etiam

Hi sir can u send me completed projects to learn. [email protected]

Dear Sir, First of all I appreciate you for your excellent work in Visual Basic 2010. Could you provide me tutorial in respect of Visual Basic 2010. I have no knowledge for any computer language but I studied your project and learned so much in VB2010. I am helpless for database management in VB2010. I want to learn create, select and use of database in my application. I want to create different database for different company. I am ready to pay you for tutorial. Name: Pradeep M.No. 9871012258 Place: Delhi

sir i want to send bulk sms from get mobile no and message from datagridview column like this --------------------------------------------------------------- Mobile No Message ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1234656568 Hello 1235874694 Welcome 1235878965 Plz Help Me sir

it is very usefully can you please send me the full project to my email [email protected] thank you very much. best regards.

Mr. Raj Sharma I am very grateful for your project , i have learnt alot from your project but there are some files missing where i cant debug the program , please send me all the files to my email, [email protected]. Thank You, Doni DA

Great UI you are one of the best programmer i have ever seen God bless u

In reply to by Joseph C. (not verified)

Dude this guy is very gready and fraud do not trust easily upon this guy. I have paid full amount for my software before 1 year ago but still he didnt developed my software, and when i asked for refund then he refused me to provide my refund, So beware guys before making any deal with Raj Sharam

In reply to by Saurabhsss (not verified)

Hi, Can you please provide some proof of this incident so I can block this author from submitting any source code on this site? Thank you

Mr. Raj Sharma I am very grateful for your project , i have learnt alot from your project but there are some files missing where i cant debug the program , please send me all the files to my email, [email protected] Thanks

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