Complete Inventory Management Software version [GST Updates]

This Project written in VB.NET as front end and MS SQL Server 2008 r2 as Back end.
Changes Log in v4.0 : 1. Barcode Support 2. Barcode label printing module 3. Purchase return module 4. Sales Return Module Main Features are:

  1. Master Entries :
    1. Company Info
    2. Company's Contacts
    3. Category
    4. Sub Category
    5. SMS Setting
    6. SQL Server Setting
  2. Customers Management
  3. Suppliers Management
  4. Products Management
  5. Expense Vouchers Management
  6. Services Management
  7. Barcode Support
  8. Barcode label printing
  9. Billing (Products + Services)
  10. Invoice Management
  11. Quotations Management
  12. SMS Sending using HTTP api
  13. Users
    1. Registration
    2. Change Password
  14. Records
    1. Customers
    2. Suppliers
    3. Products
    4. Stock
    5. Quotations
    6. Billing
  15. Reports
    1. Sales
    2. Services Billing
    3. Profit and Loss
    4. Stock IN and OUT
    5. Creditors and Debtors
    6. Expenditures
    7. Purchase
    8. Purchase Daybook
    9. General Daybook
    10. Supplier Ledger
    11. Customer Ledger
    12. General Ledger
    13. Salesman Ledger
    14. Salesman Commission
    15. Credit Terms
    16. Credit Terms Statements
    17. Trial Balance
    18. Overall report using Charts and Histograms
  16. System Logs,Database backup and restore,Low stock Indicator,Reorder point and many more
  17. Please don't forget to give credit to original developer because I really worked hard to develop this project and please don't forget to like and share it if you found it useful :)

    For students or anyone else who needs program or source code for thesis writing or any Professional Software Development,Website Development,Mobile Apps Development at affordable cost contact me at Email : [email protected],[email protected] Facebook : skype- [email protected] WhatsApp or Viber - +919827858191 Contact Number - +919827858191 Hangout- [email protected] note: Source Code is only available for educational purpose , plz dont use it for commercial purpose without permission of original author

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I have found this project as one of the best project. Its very interesting and i have learnt a lot from this. thank you very much sir for uploading this. But some of the files are missing in it. Please upload any sms settings project.

so many forms fils (.vb) are frmVoucher....

i love your work it is wonderful. but some files are missing. please kindly re-upload the files. i would love to learn from it!

dear Sir Raj, can you please send me full project on [email protected] i need that as my reference in creating project for class.. thank in advance...

Hi Sir Raj.Sharma Your project is very wonderful. if you dont mind pls send me a full copy of your project. i just want to learn more about programing in POS. and one thing pls send me a data. thank you Sir Raj.Sharma."GOD BLESS" [email protected] Best Regards, jamier

Mr. Raj Sharma I am very grateful for your project , i have learnt alot from your project but there are some files missing where i cant debug the program , please send me all the files to my email, [email protected]. Thank You, Bhavik Halai

Dear Raj when i run the project in vs2010 i am getting 108 errors 5/6 vb files are missing do we have to load crystal reports and which version?

i have learnt alot from your project but there are some files missing where i cant debug the program , please send me all the files to my email, [email protected] thank you

dear , there missing records of smss settings , suppliers record, system info, Voucher, Voucher record , if have written these please mail me @ [email protected] if does it it will be grateful thank you dear

sql server settings don't found can you help how to do it

plss send me the full project at: [email protected] . Thank you very much.

I am in need of your help.i need full source code at [email protected] I needed for college project

I have re-uploaded the latest version of code... Please make sure that dev express components are installed....

I don't have time to add ur requested module like sales return/exchange in project....all existing modules are working in this project... I will try to add more modules in future thanks

I add you and send am message on fb and also send some messages on whats app but you didn't reply me. in your demo exe file billing is working but when we execute the source code in source code no billing form is present . sales form and service sale form is missing please check it Thanks. for your reply.

billing forms are missing can you send me these two from , I want to work more on this project and also share back to you. I want to add some more features in your project and also share you the source code. but yet I need these two forms. frmBilling.vb frmbilling1.vb

I see billing forms was missing so I work on that and also create receipt from customers was missing I add this form also. but I want to touch with you you not reply me on facebook not reply the email from your gmail and you also silent on whats app. why you share your contacts if you won't talk to anyone .

please send me your project, my email [email protected] i can't import database ,im using xampp 1.7.2 Fatal error: Allowed memory size thanks ..

Sir can you send me the full source code. I am using this for educational purposes. Email me : [email protected]. Thanks a lot. :)

this project is wonderful ,thank you sir, but dont work, can you send the full project at [email protected] ,missing database,I need this for educationnal purposes. thanks in advance :))

plz mention d password of the project

Sir i Learn much more about POS thank You,but i do not understand the Report files Please help me sent me at [email protected]. Thank You.

can you upload version 3.2?

this sofware u have to need activation code which is u have to buy to use it. ANyone have activation code,please share.thanks

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