Automotive Shop Management System in PHP/OOP Free Source Code



This simple project is an Automotive Shop Management System. This is a web-based application project developed in PHP and MySQL Database. This project provides an online platform for Automotive or Car Repair and Services shops to manage their daily transaction. The application also includes an inventory feature that allows the shop management to monitor and manage their product stocks. The project was developed with Bootstrap Framework and AdminLTE Template. This application consists of user-friendly features and functionalities.

About the Automotive Shop Management System

I developed this project using the following:

  • XAMPP v3.3.0
  • PHP
  • MySQL Database
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Ajax
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Font Awesome
  • AdminLTE

This Automotive Shop Management System can be accessed by the Shop's Management and the Public. The application requires the management to enter their system credentials to gain access to the features and functionalities of the management site. The management or admin site contains services, products, mechanics, and transaction management features. The management users have 2 different types which are the Administrator and Staff roles. The Administrator users have the privilege to access and manage all the features and functionalities of the said site while the Staff users have only limited permissions. The application also generates printable reports for the Daily Sales and Daily Services. On the Public Site, visitors can read the information content about the site and the shop. They can also list all the services and products offered by the shop.


Management Site

  • Home Page
    • Display the summary.
  • Service Management
    • Add New Service
    • List All Services
    • View Service Details
    • Edit Service Details
    • Delete Service
  • Mechanic Management
    • Add New Mechanic
    • List All Mechanics
    • View Mechanic Details
    • Edit Mechanic Details
    • Delete Mechanic
  • Product Management
    • Add New Product
    • List All Products
    • View Product Details
    • Edit Product Details
    • Delete Product
  • Inventory Management
    • List All Product Stocks
    • Shows the Product's Availability
    • Shows the Product Stock Sold
    • View Product Stock Details
    • Add New Stock
    • Edit Stock Details
    • Edit Stock
    • Delete Product
  • Transaction Management
    • Add New Transaction
    • List All Transactions
    • View Transaction Details
    • Edit Transaction Details
    • Delete Transaction
  • Reports
    • Generate Daily Sales Report
    • Generate Daily Service Report
    • Filter Daily Sales Report by Date
    • Filter Daily Service Report by Date
    • Print Daily Sales Report
    • Print Daily Service Report
  • User Management
    • Add New User
    • List All Users
    • View User Details
    • Edit User Details
    • Delete User Details
  • Update System Information
  • Update Account Details/Credentials
  • Login and Logout

Public Site

  • Home Page/'Welcome' Content
  • List Services Offered
  • Search Service Offered
  • List All Product Offered
  • Search Product Offered
  • View Product Offered Details
  • 'About Us' Content

The source code was developed only for educational purposes only. You can download the source code for free and modify it the way you wanted.

System Snapshots of some Features

Login Page

Automotive Shop Management System

Dashboard Page

Automotive Shop Management System


Automotive Shop Management System

Product Stock Details

Automotive Shop Management System

Transaction Form

Automotive Shop Management System

Transaction Details

Automotive Shop Management System

Daily Sales Report

Automotive Shop Management System

Daily Service Report

Automotive Shop Management System

How to Run ??


  • Download and Install any local web server such as XAMPP.
  • Download the provided source code zip file. (download button is located below)

System Installation/Setup

  1. Enable the GD Library in your php.ini file.
  2. Open your XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL.
  3. Extract the downloaded source code zip file.
  4. Copy the extracted source code folder and paste it into the XAMPP's "htdocs" directory.
  5. Browse the PHPMyAdmin in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/phpmyadmin
  6. Create a new database naming asms_db.
  7. Import the provided SQL file. The file is known as asms_db.sql located inside the database folder.
  8. Browse the Automotive Shop Management System in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/asms/.

Admin Default Access:

Username: admin
Password: admin123


That's it. You can now explore the features and functionalities of this Automotive Shop Management System in PHP. I hope this will help you with what you are looking for and you'll find something useful for your future projects.

Explore more on this website for more Free Source Codes and Tutorials.

Enjoy :)

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


how do one change the part that has developed by oretnom that keeps floating around

sir where can i find the watermark "developed by oretnem23"??? pleaseee or can i buy this project

In reply to by meowtttyy (not verified)

REMOVE THIS LINE (56) FROM header.php , file found in 1) asms\inc 2 )asms\admin\inc load_data()); ?>

Hi sir, im not an PHP Developer like you, but i do have the basic knowledge on php, mysql and sqlite. You created an interesting project, i know it is only for learning purposes but is full of mistakes and major bugs.

In the folowing sections/pages: products , inventory/add to stock (needs fix validation for adding zero product and empty date) , services , mechanics , user/list , you have the folowing problems:

  • If you press the button Create New, and dont fill any of the fields, the form is submited with empty content, there should be some sort of validation checking to prevent submiting empty forms.
  • After that empty field is created, you can delete it from admin panel, but it remains in database
  • If the empty field is in the database, and try to submit again the form with empty content, it gives an error in modal with a loader that says it already exist, page is blocked, and need to be reloaded so it can work again
  • There is a typo mistake added on each page, the required field is marked as
    required/ , it should be without that slash

Requirements and read/write permisions:

  • What is the min and max php version, that this project support on running it without errors?
  • I dint see any permisions on files and folders, if it will be deployed on a production server on cpanel or other unix type panels for testing, it will give errors on reading and writing permisions.
  • Is there a chance to post the required permisions on files and folders for this project? cause on windows you dont need permisions, but on linux you need them.

Can you update the project with the fixed codes ? and check your other projects since all of them have the same coding problems...

For learning purposes:

  • Can you also make projects with others encryption methods, or tutorials, cause md5 is old and insecure, you have strong ones like bcrypt, password_hash, etc... or make some tutorials for them.
  • Can you make a tutorial, or make a project that has currency price with currency symbol and currency name, and can be added/changed from admin.
  • Can you make more projects based on sqlite3 flat database, i do love this kind of projects because you dont need mysql at all and its more easy to learn.
  • Some tutorials for creating a page generation system (page class) with database for php 7/8 with pdo mysql or sqlite3 , to show front pages with content, and admin (create/edit/delete/update) functions. The current one that you are using, is basicaly add/read content to an empty html file that first needs to be manualy created, thats the old way and outdated.

i find that one can sell more than in the inventory thus making the inventory display negative values... how does one prevent this from happening?


Hi, So I am very new to programming anything and 100% new to PHP. I'm hoping for better installation descriptions. I have everything except the php.ini file config I think. For whatever reason I can't get it to configure leaving me with a bunch of source code that will not actually run. I really want to make this work. Please help me.

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