Online Traffic Offense Management System in PHP Free Source Code



I have created a PHP Project entitled Online Traffic Offense Management System. The project is a web-based application that manages the driver's traffic violations or offenses records. The system can help the land transport management/department to have an online platform for managing the said record. This can help also for fast and easy retrieval of information and records of each driver.

About the Online Traffic Offense Management System

This web application was developed using PHP, MySQL Database, HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Ajax & jQuery), Bootstrap, AdminLTE Template, and some other libraries/plugins. I created this project using XAMPP version 3.30 and does have a PHP version of 8.0.7.

The Online Traffic Offense Management System is easy to use and has a pleasant user interface. It requires system users' credentials in order for the management/staff to access the data and functionalities of the project. The system has 2 types of users which are the Admin and the Staff. The Admin can access and manage all the data and features of the project while the Staff has only limited access. This system stores the list of traffic offenses and along with this data is the fine or penalty rate in each of these. In every traffic offense ticket, the violator can be fined for multiple offenses. This project also generates a printable Driver's Info and Records, Traffic Offense Ticket, and Reports.


  • Login Portal
  • Secure Login/Logout
  • Dashboard
  • Manage Offense List
  • Manage User List
  • Manage Drivers List
  • Manage Offense Ticket/Records
  • Print Driver's Offense Ticket
  • Print Driver's Information and Offense Records
  • Generate a printable date-wise Report
  • Update System Information
  • Update Account Credentials

System Snapshots


Traffic Offense System

Login Page

Traffic Offense System


Traffic Offense System

Traffic Offense Form

Traffic Offense System

Generated Traffic Offense Ticket

Traffic Offense System

Generated Driver's Information and Records

Traffic Offense System

Generated Driver's Information and Records (Print View)

Traffic Offense System

The source code is free to download on this website. Feel Free to Download and Modify the source code the way you wanted to meet your requirements. Follow the instructions below to run the project.

How to Run ??


  • Download and Install any local web server such as XAMPP/WAMP.
  • Download the provided source code zip file. (download button is located below)


  1. Open your XAMPP/WAMP's Control Panel and start the Apache and MySQL.
  2. Extract the downloaded source code zip file.
  3. If you are using XAMPP, copy the extracted source code folder and paste it into the XAMPP's "htdocs" directory. And If you are using WAMP, paste it into the "www" directory.
  4. Browse the PHPMyAdmin in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/phpmyadmin
  5. Create a new database naming traffic_offense_db.
  6. Import the provided SQL file. The file is known as traffic_offense_db.sql located inside the database folder.
  7. Browse the Online Traffic Offense Management System in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/traffic_offense.

Default Admin Access Information

Username: admin
Password: admin123


That's it. You can now explore the features and functionalities of this Online Traffic Offense Management System that was developed using PHP Language and MySQL Database. I hope this project will help you with what you are looking for and you'll find something useful for your future projects.

Explore more on this website for more Free Source Codes and Tutorials.

Enjoy :)

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


Hello, the database file (traffic_offense_db) of this project is not added, can you please check ?

Hi, sorry for the inconvenience. I have updated the source code zip file. Just kindly download it again. Thanks

Hi, Nice web app, I did however find some vulnerabilities in this. How can i contact you to let you know what they are so you can fix them?

sir I am not able to run what may be the problem as login is also not available with tat styles also

When you adapt your solution from someone else's code always give credit otherwise ...

Yes, I agree! And for the record, If you think that I was republishing the other website's project or other developers, no it's not, I developed all the project source code that I published on this website. I am just saying because I am also aware that some of my works are also published on some other websites without my consent. Thank you :)

hey i cant login it take so much time then also it is not working please give me solution . is there any fault in template ?

Can i please get a system flow diagram for Dfd diagram Context level dfd First level dfd Second level dfd Admin side dfd E_ r diagram I need it for a project, Or if you can tell me where to find it for this one specific

hey can anyone please get me the report for this project. it would be a much help

Hey its an 404 error. Please help me, i am in a huge mess if i dont get this

Please can anyone share the report of this project. I will really appreciate

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