Complete File Management System Source Code Using PHP/MySQLi version 1.1


is a system (based on computer programs in the case of the management of digital documents) used to track, manage, and store documents and reduce stock hard copies. Most are capable of keeping a record of the various versions created and modified by different users (history tracking).

secure login
-With Dashboard Count Employee Upload file
-Add Admin with View/Edit/Delete
-Add Employee with View/Edit/Delete
-Add Document
-Extension file: .docx .doc .pptx .ppt .xlsx .xls .pdf .odt
-Count every Download
-Download /View File/Delete file
-Show Admin Logged
-Show Employee Logged
-Show table records

===version 1.1 Admin===

-with the archive file
-delete/download only
-create own folder for path /save own file
-Auto logout after 20 minutes

======version 1.1 user/Employee========

-with the archive file
-delete/download only
-create own folder for path /save own file for employee folder only
-Change your own password
-Auto logout after 20 minutes

secure login
-Add file
-Show table record
-Show Employee Logged
-Download file


framework: Material Design Bootstrap

- DATABASE: file_management.sql

How to Run

  1. Download the source code and extract the zip file.
  2. Download or set up any local web server that runs PHP script.
  3. Open the web-server database and create a new database name it "file_management".
  4. Import the SQL file located in the Root Path of the source code.
  5. Copy and paste the source code to the location where your local web server accessing your local projects. Example for XAMPP('C:\xampp\htdocs')
  6. Open a web browser and browse the project. E.g [http://localhost/fmsmdbootstrapdesign]

if you want to go to admin type/paste bellow:
youtube channel:
email: [email protected]
password: toledo123

Facebook link:

Installation Demo

File Management System v1.2 :

Please "follow" me bellow my profile
visit my blogsite :

CONTACT #:09991050748
If you want full source code just contact me

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


a great app. captures most basic day to day activities.

Hi Sir. Please share the code with me

we need this kind of software

Hi can you please share the complete code to run the software to me. [email protected]

Hi can you share me a complete code i cannot login

"Field 'log_id' doesn't have a default value"

Share with me the complete source code of the file management system

i want souse code please

Hello thanks, kindly share the complete code at [email protected]

it doesn't accept File Type:.docx .doc .pptx .ppt .xlsx .xls .pdf .odt it only accepts pdf

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