B4A Beginner Tutorial - Pin Login

NOTE: THIS IS B4A formerly Basic4android tutorial. Note android studio or eclipse android tutorial The first part of this tutorial , we will create buttons up to 10, also create panels and name them key1 to key4. we will also create our variables This will indicate number of keys entered with red dots Sub Globals 'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created. 'These variables can only be accessed from this module. Private btnEight As Button Private btnFive As Button Private btnFour As Button Private btnNine As Button Private btnOne As Button Private btnSeven As Button Private btnSix As Button Private btnThree As Button Private btnTwo As Button Private btnZero As Button Private key1 As Panel Private key2 As Panel Private key3 As Panel Private key4 As Panel Private Label1 As Label Dim Click_Count As Int = 0 Dim Master_Password As String = "4545" Dim entered_Password As String End Sub Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) 'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example: Activity.LoadLayout("lyScreen") End Sub Sub Activity_Resume End Sub Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean) End Sub Sub btnZero_Click Log(btnZero.Text & " clicked") click_count_Increment_and_fill(btnZero.Text) End Sub Sub btnOne_Click Log(btnOne.Text & " clicked") click_count_Increment_and_fill(btnOne.Text) 'filling the keys with red End Sub Sub btnTwo_Click Log(btnTwo.Text & " clicked") click_count_Increment_and_fill(btnTwo.Text) 'filling the keys with red End Sub Sub btnThree_Click Log(btnThree.Text & " clicked") click_count_Increment_and_fill(btnThree.Text) 'filling the keys with red End Sub Sub btnFour_Click Log(btnFour.Text & " clicked") click_count_Increment_and_fill(btnFour.Text) 'filling the keys with red End Sub Sub btnFive_Click Log(btnFive.Text & " clicked") click_count_Increment_and_fill(btnFive.Text) 'filling the keys with red End Sub Sub btnSix_Click Log(btnSix.Text & " clicked") click_count_Increment_and_fill(btnSix.Text) 'filling the keys with red End Sub Sub btnSeven_Click Log(btnSeven.Text & " clicked") click_count_Increment_and_fill(btnSeven.Text) 'filling the keys with red End Sub Sub btnEight_Click Log(btnEight.Text & " clicked") click_count_Increment_and_fill(btnEight.Text) 'filling the keys with red End Sub Sub btnNine_Click Log(btnNine.Text & " clicked") click_count_Increment_and_fill(btnNine.Text) 'filling the keys with red End Sub From there we will create a sub to handle the shading of the panels that is our key1 to key 4 Sub click_count_Increment_and_fill (input_Text As String) Click_Count = Click_Count + 1 Select Click_Count Case 1 key1.Color = Colors.Red 'getting the text value value from the button and passing it ot entered password entered_Password = entered_Password & input_Text Log("Current Entered pass: " & entered_Password) Case 2 key2.Color = Colors.Red 'getting the text value value from the button and passing it ot entered password entered_Password = entered_Password & input_Text Log("Current Entered pass: " & entered_Password) Case 3 key3.Color = Colors.Red 'getting the text value value from the button and passing it ot entered password entered_Password = entered_Password & input_Text Log("Current Entered pass: " & entered_Password) Case 4 key4.Color = Colors.Red 'getting the text value value from the button and passing it ot entered password entered_Password = entered_Password & input_Text Log("Current Entered pass: " & entered_Password) '=============================================================== '============CHECKING IF THE PASSWORD IS CORRECT=============== If entered_Password = Master_Password Then Log("Login succesful") Log("===============") Log("***SUCCESS****") Log("================") 'reset resetting_all 'Letting the user in to a new page afer succesful login StartActivity(actLoggedIn) Else Log("Wrong password") Log("*************************") 'reset resetting_all End If End Select End Sub Finally we will create a sub which will reset the shaded panels (keys) to white in case of wrong password entry Sub resetting_all 'clearing the keys panel for new entry key1.color = Colors.White key2.Color = Colors.White key3.Color = Colors.White key4.Color = Colors.white 'Resetting entered password to empty entered_Password = "" 'reset click count to ZERO...This will enable the SELECT CASE STATEMENT 'TO restart counting from 1 to fill the panels keys Click_Count = 0 End Sub

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by SourceCodester.com for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


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