Bakery Payroll System

This is a simple Bakery Payroll System for a Pastry Shop. Front End: Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition Back End: Microsoft Access 2010 OS Platform: Windows 7 N.B. The following components and tools MUST be installed in order to run the program ERROR-FREE
  • DevExpress Universal 13.1.5 Infragistics NetAdvantage for Windows Forms 2012 Adobe Reader X (10.0) DataGridViewExtension Krypton Suite 4.4.0 Fix soft Aero Form Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 VB powerpacks 5.0 Other Software needed is Microsoft Office, and VLC Media Player
Account information User Type: Administrator Username: ashveen Password: password User Type: User Username: employee Password: password The below shows the Tables and Fields that are created in the database.  Fields in Username_Password Category:  User_Type  Username  Password  Fields in Department Category:  DepartmentCode  DepartmentName  Fields in Staff_Details Category:  DepartmentCode  EmployeeCode  EmployeeName  LastName  Gender  BirthDate  ContactNumber  Address  Email  Designation  DateEmployed  BasicSalary  Status  ProfilePicture  Fields in OT_Amount  EmployeeCode  Year  MonthName  OverTimeHours  OverTimeAmount  Fields in Loan Category:  ID  EmployeeCode  MonthNumber  MonthName  TotalLoanAmount  LoanAmountReturned  Balance  Fields in Payroll_Calculator Category:  ID  RecordYear  MonthNumber  MonthName  DepartmentCode  EmployeeCode  NoOfDaysWorked  BasicSalary  MedAllowance  ExtraAllowance  OverTimeAmount  Adhoc/Relief  GrossPay  GPFund  SalaryAdvance  AbsenteeDeduction  LoanDeduction  TotalDeductions  StaffFood  NetPay  Report: Monthly Payroll Report  Fields:  ID  RecordYear  MonthNumber  MonthName  DepartmentCode  EmployeeCode  NoOfDaysWorked  BasicSalary  MedAllowance  ExtraAllowance  OverTimeAmount  Adhoc/Relief  GrossPay  GPFund  SalaryAdvance  AbsenteeDeduction  LoanDeduction  TotalDeductions  StaffFood  NetPay  Report: Yearly Payroll Report  Fields:  ID  RecordYear  MonthNumber  MonthName  DepartmentCode  EmployeeCode  NoOfDaysWorked  BasicSalary  MedAllowance  ExtraAllowance  OverTimeAmount  Adhoc/Relief  GrossPay  GPFund  SalaryAdvance  AbsenteeDeduction  LoanDeduction  TotalDeductions  StaffFood  NetPay  Report: Departmental (Payroll) Report  Fields:  ID  RecordYear  MonthNumber  MonthName  DepartmentCode  EmployeeCode  NoOfDaysWorked  BasicSalary  MedAllowance  ExtraAllowance  OverTimeAmount  Adhoc/Relief  GrossPay  GPFund  SalaryAdvance  AbsenteeDeduction  LoanDeduction  TotalDeductions  StaffFood  NetPay  Report: Employee Code (Payroll) Report  Fields:  ID  RecordYear  MonthNumber  MonthName  DepartmentCode  EmployeeCode  NoOfDaysWorked  BasicSalary  MedAllowance  ExtraAllowance  OverTimeAmount  Adhoc/Relief  GrossPay  GPFund  SalaryAdvance  AbsenteeDeduction  LoanDeduction  TotalDeductions  StaffFood  NetPay  Report: Employee Details Report  Fields:  DepartmentCode  EmployeeCode  EmployeeName  LastName  Gender  BirthDate  ContactNumber  Address  Email  Designation  DateEmployed  BasicSalary  Status  ProfilePicture To Learn More About the System Please Click Here

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Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


hello how i can please work with your code butwithout all next packs: DevExpress Universal 13.1.5 Infragistics NetAdvantage for Windows Forms 2012 Adobe Reader X (10.0) DataGridViewExtension Krypton Suite 4.4.0 Fix soft Aero Form Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 VB powerpacks 5.0 best regards

Hi can i have the following packs? DevExpress Universal 13.1.5 Infragistics NetAdvantage for Windows Forms 2012 Adobe Reader X (10.0) DataGridViewExtension Krypton Suite 4.4.0 Fix soft Aero Form Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 VB powerpacks 5.0 Other Software needed is Microsoft Office, and VLC Media Player this is my email please send it to me. Thanks

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