Shutdown app

Submitted by sminuwa on
Hello welcome, once again, here also, is another application called shutdown app that I've created to help new window 8 user on how to shutdown, restart, hibernate, logoff and remote shutdown activities automatically. I found it expedient for me to share it to you guys! Have fun! And show me your appreciation. For more.......contact @ Fformulator@gmail.com Whatsapp and Calls +2348135067070 Have

Interest Solver

Submitted by sminuwa on
Hello guys once again, here is another program. I create this software within 8hours the software. The software is based on simple calculation, compound, inflation, and depreciation. But because I divided it into versions this one is only use for calculate simple and compound interest. In sha Allah I'll try to share it with you. I hope you'll appreciate it. For more......contact @ Fformulator

PHCN Billing System

Submitted by sminuwa on
Hello guy, this application seems to be helpful to those that need to learn how to delete, insert, select, update data in the database and crystal report as well. I found it expedient for me to share it with you so that you may have I deas when you go into it. I hope you will appreciate it Customer Login:Username: customer_firstname Customer Login:password: customer_regno Admin Login: contact me @

Bakery Payroll System

Submitted by ashveen96 on
This is a simple Bakery Payroll System for a Pastry Shop. Front End: Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition Back End: Microsoft Access 2010 OS Platform: Windows 7 N.B. The following components and tools MUST be installed in order to run the program ERROR-FREE DevExpress Universal 13.1.5 Infragistics NetAdvantage for Windows Forms 2012 Adobe Reader X (10.0) DataGridViewExtension Krypton Suite