Employee Record Management Information System

Hi All, Here is my first upload. I developed the database for the ABC name withheld. It is being used as you are reading this few lines. I have removed some modules to fit that newbie in Ms Access. Feel free to download and edit it the way you want. DO NOT SALE IT and if you do let me have 10%. Hahahahahaha. Username: admin Password: admin Username: james Password: james

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
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I like your work even the unterface. more of it Thanks

Thank u

Hi boss , manze nimeona hiyo stuff .iko juu!Am a i have strong programming interest , can we maybe join something to bring money.As in THE NEXT BIG THING IN PROGRAMMING?..www.facebook.com/karis.hacker or elimuplanet@gmail.com

Hello, thanks for the frebies i uploaded audio via the admin page but when i come to the main page the music does not play.do i have to integrate media player to the files? Please help it is urgent i have uploaded it and test all is working fine but the uploaded music from admin does not play. Frank

To check the file how it works !

Kindly send me a 64 bit system version. I want to believe that this application works but my pc runs on win 10 OS on a 64 bit Intel Processor. email jkarkor@gmail.com

Hi. Can you give me a screenshot of your system's information like the records of the employees? I just need it on my project.

file not opening and no error ..........plz chk the screenshot...

please share your contact emial or whatsapp please

My project solved

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