Employee Record

Profiling System For Human Resource Management using PHP/PDO with Source Code

Submitted by umind514 on
This project is called Profiling System For Human Resource Management. This was developed using PHP/PDO, HTML, CSS, AngularJS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap for the design. The project was developed for the specific School which is the Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC). The purpose of this system is to keep the records of employees under the Human Resource Department to maintain the private

Simple Employee Records System using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by skittles on
Hey guys! This is a simple project created with PHP, MYSQL, and JavaScript (jQuery and Ajax) that stores employee's personal information including their Image and any other national identity card. You can add other users to also help manage the system and assign them user roles. This simple project can help IT/CS students and self-learners learn how to create a Web Application that has CRUD

Employee Record Management Information System

Submitted by jamesmwania on
Hi All, Here is my first upload. I developed the database for the ABC name withheld. It is being used as you are reading this few lines. I have removed some modules to fit that newbie in Ms Access. Feel free to download and edit it the way you want. DO NOT SALE IT and if you do let me have 10%. Hahahahahaha. Username: admin Password: admin Username: james Password: james