D.P.F Delphi AndroidNative Components

Welcome to the world of Android programming! Develop Native Android applications with Delphi XE5 Some components: + Added TDPFJAlertDialog + Added TDPFJAnalogClock + Added TDPFJButton + Added TDPFJCheckBox + Added TDPFJChronometer + Added TDPFJDatePicker + Added TDPFJDatePickerDialog + Added TDPFJEditText + Added TDPFJImageView + Added TDPFJListView (not completed) + Added TDPFJProgressBar + Added TDPFJProgressDialog + Added TDPFJTextView + Added TDPFJTimePickerDialog + Added TDPFJToast + Added TDPFJView + Added TDPFJRadioButton + Added TDPFJNumberPicker + Warpped some Android.Widget + Warpped some Android.Net + Warpped some Android.OS + Warpped some Android.R Enjoy Android Apps Developing Info: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dpfdelphiandroid/ Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dpfdelphiandroid/files/latest/download

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I get an error when i try to compile a projet dcu not found

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