Warehouse Management System

This system, you can enter new item, add Stocks with existing item which automatically add according to item code into stock quantity on hand. You can also transact an outgoing stock process which automatically deduct the outstanding balance and view inventory on report... Features: - Login System - Splash Screen User Account User : Admin Password : admin

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hi, sir can you please lend me an installer of your system? please.. tanx!!

is it possible to remove the splash screen? Or may i ask for the password of db module please? thanks!

Option Compare Database Private Sub Form_Load() Application.Echo False If Me.lblWait.ForeColor = vbWhite Then Me.lblWait.ForeColor = vbRed Else Me.lblWait.ForeColor = vbBlack End If Application.Echo True End Sub Private Sub Form_Timer() If Me.lblWait.Visible = True Then Me.LabelName.Visible = False Else Me.lblWait.Visible = True End If End Sub Private Sub lblWait_Click() End Sub Option Compare Database Private Sub Form_Load() Application.Echo False If Me.lblWait.ForeColor = vbWhite Then Me.lblWait.ForeColor = vbRed Else Me.lblWait.ForeColor = vbBlack End If Application.Echo True End Sub Private Sub Form_Timer() If Me.lblWait.Visible = True Then Me.LabelName.Visible = False Else Me.lblWait.Visible = True End If End Sub Private Sub lblWait_Click() End Sub

Hi there, can i have you source code password? please send it to my email account [email protected]

Hi Sir,
Please send me the password to access WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM..
I HAVE TO CLEAR MY DOUBT... MY email id is [email protected]. GOD bless you.
Thanking you,
yours faithfully
Siyas Khan

Good Day sir, Can you send me the source code for this program. [email protected] Thanks

please Can you send me the source code for this program.
my e-mail address is [email protected]

Please; Can you send me the password for the VBA code? My gmail account is [email protected]

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