Student Guidance System Thesis

The purpose of this program is to record the complaints and or problem of a student in guidance office. This will keep track the past record of a certain students by using this program. To eliminate a paper work, retrieve the record easily, and create a report. I created this program last February 2004 to help the students in making their thesis. The name, problem, and recommendation herein are just an example only and do not adhere to the true story of the said student. Account Information: Username: admin Password: admin

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low good afternoon may i ask you? where the code of this system ? The LIBRARY SYTSTEM

hi sir.. help how to code the password and username using vb 6 and ms access... hopingf for your immediate reply here is my email ad: can i get ur con num?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Download one of the top source code here and copy/paste the code for login form.

sir may i know the description the description of this system in terms of inputs, processes and output.. and what are the importance of this system to the company ... i need ur immediate response.. probably this week.. just send to my email thnx.. godbless us:)

nice one... can you teach hot make a libary system

hello m yeshwant i am desinging a student couselling system,(software eng. project) where students fill their choices of taking admittion in some colg listed and if the seat is avalable he will get the desired output, please give me some guidence ..

gud morning sir just want to ask if your also giving tutorial on how to make a pageant tabulation system? were having our thesis and were making computerized tabulation system but were having some difficulties about it......i really nid your reply sir...thank you.

can you give a sample program system about visual baisc..thank you

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

what kind of system did you want????

can you produce the critical stock?i mean the code bout the critical stock?bcoz i have problem bout displaying the critical stock between 5 to 0. i want to display the item in datagrid showing that the item is running out.

In reply to by admin

do you have the documentation of this thesis please send to my email please serve as my basis in my software engineering class thats may email add thanks tol

bozz do you have the documentation of enrollment system thesis please send to my email please please please serve as my basis in my system analysis and design subject thats may email add thanks bozz

plz teach me how to input a code of save 1, add, delete, search, help, edit cancel or exit, log in, log out plzzz. for our thesis which entitled automated student record system thanks poh. her is my email

sir kindly send me the sample thesis of enrollment system and the documentation, to serve as my guide for my Thesis Writing in CS please send it to my email I owe this as my personal gratitude, thanks...

how we are going to start new student information kiosk system.

Download and rate ^_^

sir.. you can give me some example of enrolment system?

can you give me some information about sales and inventory system???

how could i update the guidance system? if its locktype is limited.. sir can you pls. help me about that matter..pls.. thank you very much sir..hope you can help me.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

What do you mean by locktype is limited?

In reply to by admin

hi sir? i am ryan from davao city do you have any finish technical paper that i can use as guide for my research?? i realy need to make it before end of february.., i have my title "Assumption College Student Information System" can you help me sir? please? please.... here is my email address : here is my Yahoo Messenger Account : yan_edge please sir., i realy need some help., i only need a guide? thank you and Happy New Year

In reply to by admin

....sir...Good Day can u help me make our documentation..?we reall dont have idea for this can u give us a sample? sir... send to

Sir gUd mwning me i ask u'r real w/ ur surname nym ,i want t know for my title defence in thesis.

do u have sample thesis for the enrollment system pls send me a copy at or at

hello i hope u will be fine dear sir i need Visual Basic thesis.. i cant do how can i get information about Visual Basic thesis ... i have no idea how can i done my Visual Basic thesis project plz help me its my emaill addres.

good morning sir! i am cj from tacloban city do you have any finish technical paper that i can use as guide for my thesis?? i realy need to make it before end of this week.., i have my title "Sales and Inventory Sytem" can you help me sir? please? please.... here is my email address : here is my Yahoo Messenger Account : perez_crisjohn please sir., i realy need some help., i only need a guide?

sir can i get the code of student accounts system? thanks.. only for reference

good evening can you help me!? do you have the documentation of enrollment system and the sourcecode plz help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dis is my email add plzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!

hello sir!!! can you help me to my's all about student guidance record system..please help mE!!!!!!you can email my request to hope makatabang ka nako!!!

i badly needed ur help u have documentation and source code of payroll system sir?kindly pls send it to my email add..XY2TPHNE@YAHOO.COM....thank u very much sir..

Sir can you provide me a copies for the computerized enrollment system microsoft 2007 format to be my basis..urgent please,, our preliminary defense is scheduled on January 26, 2010.. Send me @

would you help us in our system??? our system is about student record system,.. would you show me what exactly the outview of this system hir's my e mail add,.. lonelyarlene@y.c,.. plz,....????

sir,.can you send me a sample thesis for applicants record system using access poh ung database namen...plz..hope u could help us...plzzz send at my email ad nid this on january 26,2010...

,can you hel me do my students information system? i need it so badly sir.. tnx a lot.. hirs my e-add

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Go here

In reply to by cidfrey

Sir: Do you have any idea on what system that is good to create?? Wheter it is a web-based,stan-alone or the use of SMS??? I like a new system concept because we have already an idea but it is so conventional and old... Lot of tnx... pm me in fb tnx.tnx.tnx.

Sir, please help me to make a questionnaire in my thesis writing... in terms of speed,accuracy, and convenience our research study is about enrollment system for Bachelor of Science in Information Technology of our school.. can you help me sir to make a questionnaire its too hard for us to make it.. thanks i need your reply... send it to my yahoo mail I'm hoping for your reply.. Thank you!!!

hi good people can you please help me am doing a project on automation of school enrollement system. plis help! email me @

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