Library System Source Code and It’s Release

Every day I received a lot of comments to send the source code on my visitors email. As what I have said in my previous post regarding library system, I have to create a tutorial first before I release the source code. But due to the number of request regarding this program I am also eager to help those who needs this and I am now setting a priority to release this may be on Monday (November 2).

Before I release this, I will choose only important features on this program so that the questions regarding this system will be minimized. This might be a little complicated to the beginners and a little simpler to advance programmer.

Library System Is Made Using Microsoft Access

Contrary to other programmer’s belief that Microsoft Access is not as good as other languages, I hardly opposed to this notion. I’ve been programming with Microsoft Access since 1998 and I found it very easy to use. Although there may be a lot of speculation of whether MS Access is a programming language or not but the point of using this application is productivity. I can create a whole system in just a few hours (as of this time) than using Visual Basic or much more to say with PHP.

Of course MS Access is not a substitute for VB or any other languages but if you want to develop faster I think MS Access is the best option. Plus the reporting tool is the best features. I cannot trade this with Crystal Reports.

can u send project on patient care system using c#.NET(window based) with source code.i'm having tommorow as a last date for submmiting the project,so can u help me. REPLY

pls send source code for library management using vb 6.0

i requisting u to pl give me connect code for visual basic 6.0 to ms access 2000 and small code code best fast working i want necessary.this is my id

pls. give us ur cp no. if u r near in pampanga, pls. contact us at 09293406017. hehe and we r visible in hehe

can u help me with the online library management system code in java.... i need it very urgently. please mail me at

Hi Im Bryan Alferez. I saw youre email add from Actually, I am a third year student already and I need to have my own system. Its really difficult for me to create one. In that case, would it be ok if i will ask for your help.. Can you please share me also the codes on how to make a library system using VB. I dont have any idea about VB as of yet but I am very much willing to know. I hope you could help me with this.. Thank you and god bless you. Pls send it to Thank you Respectfully yours, BRYAN ALFEREZ

Please help me in developing a Library System Using visual basic .NEt tnx as my reference

sir about yung HOTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM nyo poh na ginawa,pwede ko po ba yun ma apply sa vbnet? and sir nu password niu po sa admin na user level sa HMS? pls send it

i needed all souse code and screen design ononline library plse send me to my id sushil_patro@rediffmail

respected Sir, send me the code please at indcomp0& I will be grateful to you. Avinash Sureka

It would be so helpful if you could explain how to create a project using three tier architecture in do reply...

Excuse me sir i kindly request you to help me how to create a library management software for a college by using ms access, which i have to submit in a week by today so i please kindly beg your help, please don't deny me ok

gud afternun .. can i ask for the source code of LMS.. i really need it for our project.. . i will just modify it, coz it kinda the same as LMS..tnx email me @

i need library management system project in visual basic 6.0 ,so please all info about this topic to complete project

sir plz i want source code of library databse system for ma final project pls give it 2 me before 10Feb2010 ma email id is

Excuse me sir i kindly request you to help me how to create a Advance institute management software for a college/institute by using ms access, which i have to submit in a week by today so i please kindly beg your help, please don't deny me ok reply

sir do you have library system coded in If so, kindly send it to my email I would appreciate that so much.

Good day Sir, can I ask a source code for online reservation of books in library system? Plsss Here my email thank you and God bless..

can you help me about the programs for library system

Hi I want to make a small library Managemnet System.My main concern is that I want to use most of the specificaions like Inheritance,Encapsulation etc. So please can you help me how should I start initially

Mr.Admin, I kindly request you to help on the above said project and the same has to be submitted by March 31st. Can you kindly give me your contact number. I would pay for the same. Please help me... My email id is Regards, Vani

sir , can you help me in making a generate report form... i have my project Deans Lister RecordKeeping Management, my problem is for generation of my report. I will use Data Report with Data environment. Can you help me to do a form with its code that can filter the selected option.. Example sir Semester: 1st Sem Department: CAS Course: BSCS then it will generate the said selected option.. Thanks. hope you can help me for coding.. my email:

this website was very helpful and i got quite some help with all your notes & info posted... thanks a lot... Jes.

Im a 1st yr student...library sytem is our final project for the whole yr i tried to surf the web but cant see a good codes or some example.our instructor did not gave us a sample for it....

plz temme the source code for library management system its very ugent..

pls i want to know the code of library system. . .sent me at tnx.

Hi , I am prem, i done my library management project in ASP.Net but i dont know how can i make documentation on this project. this is my emial id please give me some idea's

Hello Mr Admin I'm newbie with crystal report 8.5 and vb6 when i finished package it using setup factory 8.0,and install my sample program in other pc, the error prompt me "Database.dll not found" hope you send me some tips to avoid this error. more power to this site... Adrian Panoy

Sir can you plez help me about the dfd of library managemrnt system

hello...i need your help...can you give me a code for library system in java....please....tnx a lot...GodBless...send to my email

save our life. can you please send us a system a library system in vb6 that is connected to a barcode reader! here is my e-mail addres thank you!!!!

please send database(SQL) and source code and template for design website library (

how to code library system

GUD dAy sir... I am graduating student of Information technology course. My project is monitoring system and inventory of our guidance office in our school,before i pass my course i need to this and finished this project. I need your help sir. Can you give a sample of this program sir?. Thank you so much!!! GOD BLESS.

Hi sir Pls give me the code for fashionwear instructor told me to input 150 items or images in myu system...pls..i nid it next week!thank you...

Good day! sir, we have a project in making a library system using visual but the problem is I don't have enough knowledge in using this vb..can you help me or please send to my email the codes that I have to use..this is my email add. for your reply. Thank YOU...

sir im planning to develop a library system for our software engineering subject using Java can you send me the codes for your VB version as my guide?

Good day sir,, the title of my thesis is AUTOMATED LIBRARY SYSTEM , i need your help sir how tp create an automated library system, and i need your advice also wat kind of language to use for the automated system for the library, and also sir..please can indcate the followijng guidelines on how to create a library,, please reply me sir... or else. please sent me a message through yahoomail.. this is my yahoomail address.. please sir.. i hoping for your kindness and considration sir. God bless!

can you please send us a system a library system in vb6 that is connected to a barcode reader! here is my e-mail addres thanks!

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