Voting System


A replacement for pen and white board for voting system. You may use this little program to cast your vote for the nominated member in your association.


1. Enter nominee or candidate in Nominate form.
2. Open Couting form to vote for your candidate - highlight the name of the candidate and click the increase button to increase the vote for a selected candidate. Otherwise click the decrease button if you have mistakenly click the wrong candidate. The data is saved automatically to the database.
3. Open Print Result to view the result of voting.

Note: Open the CHMSCFA.txt and change the location of the database called voting.mdb.


October 28, 2009
Fix report

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sir! can i know the password of ms access database so that i can open it.. and may i know on how to use the DSN database.... can i get some source to no it will.... coz iam interested to know this kind of code ... i am using a adodc control to connect database then i want to apply DSN connecting it in my system.. i make a system in municipality like Declaration of REal Property in assessor office.... this is my Email add to send me some source thank so much....

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

The password is embedded in the source code. Go to the editor window and search for the term "password". Be sure to toggle the current project to look for the current project.

I do not recommend using adodc control as it lucks functionality. To study about DSN download either Hotel Reservation source code or Point of Sale to see the sample.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

i was also download that kind of system that u said. all databased that has a password just look at the module from the connection and you will see the pazz.


sir can you tell the password?...coz i can't find it...thnks so much sir...

Hello sir, thank you very much for your codes. I am pretty sure i could learn a lot from it. Thank you. I just want to ask what is the "username"..i have found the password but it seems i cant find the username, please help me. Thank you in advance.

Hello, thank you very much for the codes, this is a great help actually. I just want to ask what is the username of this system. I found the password but i dont know the username. Thank you again. More power and God Bless!

I am new to this things. I am getting error while opening any file in vb6. the error is Method '~' object '~' failed

thank you thank you so much!!!! it really helps me a lot... sorry for copying the flow of the system.. this site was awesome..very nice and really helpful.. oh my God people here were very good in making programs.. and i was inspired to make a new one hopefully when i graduated i could create my own, better.. thank you to all.. just add me in ym/fs/twitter/facebook i hope to hear from you mr. admin and all of you..^^

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Nice to hear from you too. And thanks for the compliments.

SIR,,GUD DAY...we are now apt of making a thesis.. we are proposing a voting system for an institution,, a high school to be specific,,, it's a client server flow..., i just want to ask some advise sir regarding this,,, about connections...

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Please study how the connection works in this program.

In reply to by admin

sir do you have a simple program of election system using tnx..

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Search the site for voting system. It has a simple voting system though.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

hi there...i'm also a student...also developing a system,, it's a voting system dn..i think we got a common problemm...i hope somebody would help us ... gud day...

gud day sir... we are apt of developing a voting system... we are on about 1/4 of our program when we realized that we got an error.. since it's a voting system..then it's a client-server based system,,our problem is that,,what's the soucecode for the server side same as with the client side for database connections.. the institution we are studying has 20 units,,i supposed it's a LAN network sir? thanks in advance sir>>>

would u mind if you help me with my assignment? i was assigned to create a program in c programming that gives the user a three trials of password...thanks and hope u can help me today..=0

this is my email i am the one who want to know the codings of having a three trials of password.

gud day!!!]

sir can you help us to document this system, it is regarding to our final project... we use ur system to document... pls help us sir!!!

sir.. we are begging your help, how to count the number of vote in voting system. thank you in advance.Godbless..

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Without seeing your program it's very hard to guess what you are trying to achieve.

thanks for ur help

Hey, do you think the voting system in V.B can be coded in java, with minimal modifications? coz i want to do the same project but in java... pliz help. Andrew.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

No. Java is a different language and you need to overhaul the code.

In reply to by admin

Hi................... I am a student of 3rd year. i prepare a voting system in java with the database But some problem on that how to connect the database. I must submited this project with in three days. so,can you give me a code for voting system. My E-mail Thank you.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hi................... I am a student of 3rd year. i prepare a voting system in java with the database But some problem on that how to connect the database. I must submited this project with in three days. so,can you give me a code for voting system. My E-mail Thank you.

In reply to by admin

Excuse me sir, can i have the password for your database? email me at


hey buddy i saw ur all complaints and it so kind ...just let leave up dis and to the point could u help me in creating web page for voting system in javascript plz?

help me how can i do voting system web page in javascript plz?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

help me how can i do voting system web page in php plz?

i emergencly required voting system using inheritance data base and other techniques kindly help plz

do you a sample codes using java

I need a voting system in c++ programming...can you help me?

Sir, gud day, I am having thesis this sem and my system is voting system using vb6 for departmental council in the school but i dont hav enough idea how to connect 8-10 pc in one server in voting process..??? plz... help me sir... tnx...

i need a project on online voting system in u pls help me?

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