Enrollment System

Complete enrollment system with administrator, registrar, accounting and faculty account. Print report using Data Report built with visual basic 6.0. No need crystal reports. Related source code: Enrollment System v1.0 using VB.NET

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thanks for the system... it can help me big!!

thanks this will help a lot... thank you



In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

what kind of project u need to make ..?

help us.. pls email your enrollment system program... minow_07@yahoo.com.ph thank you very much. god bless!

would u mind to help me in making our enrollment system. Were begging you.... Its realy help us build our future. pls. email us here j.pandoy@yahoo.com thank you po. god bless...

pLsS hELp us in mAking Our enrOLLment syStem pLsS im begGing yOu..,pLsS emAiL us hEre pakihanapnalang@yahoo.com

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

i want a C pgm for examination management

Help me....Can u help me to Make an a simple system using visual Basic Language.....atleast a simple system...that includes any calculation.. just email me in this email address,.. riogretchenmalubay@yahoo.com

plsgive me the vb code of your enrollment system.. email me... death_rockerz18@yahoo.com

,i just download your sotfware. then when i extract ESMCM Enrolment System there are message show "Please insert the last disk of the Multi-Volume set and click OK to continue" that's the message show sir!. what i need to do sir to open you zip files!.. i'm interesting to learn about your program sir. i'm a begenner programmer!, please email to my email address sir the software.. thank a lot Sir!...More power!.... ruel23_16@yahoo.com thank you sir!

is there another way on how to generate a report other than crystal report and data report??

.. i like this simple system .. :D .. tnx dude :D

sir pLs help in mY thesis ...my system is record management pU....VB pU ung program

please help my thesis enrollment system vb 6.0 ellen_dinglasan@yahoo.com

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

i really dont know how this works... sorry im really new to this stuff... i have a problem.. i need a data structure for an enrollment system... @_@ clueless... but i know i need the data and operations that can be accessed by accounting and admin..something like that.. help pls :D im a 1st yr student and its really makin me crazy.. :D akasha8000bc@yahoo.com :D

could u plz me help to my thesis project the system i need is enrollment system .i need complete system plz ..

i need ur help sir i need a complete system it is a enrollment system for my thesis project plzzzzzzzzzz.. this is my email in FB (marjae_12@yahoo.com) YM ( eRich_09maxine@yahoo.com)

would u mind to help me in making our enrollment system. Were begging you.... Its realy help us build our future. pls. email us here!!!!nancy5anne@yahoo.com

am can you help me make our program better please..... i have lot's of problem encounter to our program... please..... here's my e-mail suenlee_25@yahoo.com...

pls...help me to make a program in titled, national and local election system using visual fox pro language. pls...i need it for my IT 21 subject. this is my email add, gbuwagangirl@yahoo.com

sir ! can you plssss help me to creat enrollement system for my thesis plssssssss can you help me about the code's? email us mantra_lionheart@yahoo.com

elow .. .. . anyone?? .. . plz help in coding my enrollment system in visual basic 6.0 code . . .??? .. ( just a simple enrollment system) plz send the code in my email nhie_ahnn23@yahoo.com thank you so much!

hi can i ask a sample program about an enrollment system in an asp.net language...it is very useful on my thesis...

plsss help me... Can you help me in making an enrollment system using Visual FoxPro..??? I need it very much,,... just email at klarkence_blue@yahoo.com I hope you can help me.... Thanks in advance.

gud day sir! can you help to do an enrollment system in visual basic 6? juz tx me to my no. 09078866320 or email to my account razor_julz_20@yahoo.com i will wait for your reply.. tnx and Godbless..

i need ur help sir i need a complete system.... It is a enrollment system v6.0 ...sir i really need it...sir i begged for your help..this system is to be pass next,next week...plzz.sent it to (sirceiram_2827@yahoo.com) thanks a lot sir...

i don't know how to decompress the system.. please help meh..i already install the winzip but it doesn't work... can anybody help me, this is my email sakura_jeanz88u@yahoo.com..please i need help..thankz

wats the pasword ?

this is regarding to our final project, i need a c structure codes for high school enrollment system... can you help me with this sir? i'm hoping for your help, thank you so much ^^...

i like you program can you send me to may emial address Pls........ here my Address mabayaomargie@yahoo.com thanks a lot Godbless you.

sir pls help me......give sme ideas abt election management system....... im waiting 4 ur reply...

pls help us in making our enrollment system. in vb6.0 pls email your enrollment system program... dsredona@yahoo.com

hi! sir; Greetings of peace! Sir I'm asking your help for making a online/offline enrollment system for the requirement of my subject. I wanted to use foxpro as my backend and visual basic as my frontend but I don't know how to make it. sir please give me a source code...just email in my account chefsp10@yahoo.com thanks you... God Bless.

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