Point of Sale and Inventory System using Barcode

This system is mainly for the stores that are using barcode scanner. Can print custom barcodes for products that don't have one. For other features view here http://websyntax.blogspot.com/2012/02/point-of-sale-and-inventory-system.html admin user credentials username: admin password: admin cashier user credentials: username: neil password: 1234 Hope this helps. ^_^

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Dude This is very good

i love the developer.. (-_^)

dear sir i download your application it is good but has got on error error is: if your items barcode is =1 and another item barcode is = 12 whitch i mean both of them start by same number so you can sale item barcode=1 but the application not let you to sale other item barcode =12 could you fix that thank you. if you didn't understand i will send you by video my email is soranjav@gmail.com

Dear Sir I Get you code but here is a problem that is compatible to VB6
but i have VS2008 so that is no compatible and it's tried to convert files according to it but showing problem and require VB6.....is there another way to resolve this type of problem ....plz help cause i have more project related this problem....

Hi friends am unable to downlaod this project.,it prompt me that i dont have access to download this project thru my mail id,can any one help me to download

To make this system to work well, a barcode scanner is needed. But I don't know if there is any restriction of the scanner type. Like a USB barcode scanner(that's what I'm having now)? wand? wireless barcode scanner? Even a barcode reader app?

i want to mmain project of inventory management system

I have Inventory Management System. My code is in vb 6.0 . contact me contact me: code90zzz@gmail.com

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