Combo box in datagrid - lynxgrid


A powerful grid which was abandoned by the original author (Richard Mewett). As what Morgan Haueisen said "this grid is too good to let die". Now I want to support this grid as most of my application is using this for my master/detail and or parent/child form. This grid can support also any control which in my case I added a multi-column combobox.

The primary purpose of this code is to learn how to integrate combobox and other control like datepicker, checkbox, etc. in lynxgrid. You will also learn in different way on how to save using a master/detail form. How to delete record in table which was deleted in lynxgrid control.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


sir how to open the the downloaded file? the vbp file..

Dear Sir I am a new person I very interest with you acknowlege and with your software also, Sorry Can i request from you somethings?. Can you send me all sample of the Software that you made? If are you ok please send to my email address [email protected]. Thank you so much, Best regards, Sorphorn

Dear sir, I want the same functionality with the tabbing inside the grid, means i should be able to move from one cell to other with the help of {TAB} key.

someone help there... theres i need to know... i want to buy a barcode scanner and make a system how to code it? pls... it for my thesis you know..

In reply to by Chriz

Download point of sale and study how I implement barcode system.

In reply to by admin

If we are using ctrlNSDataCombo.ocx with windows 7 operatiing system there are coeming error

sir i am a interesting man and new user VB. If u send me code so i will be very happy with acknowlegement.

Can u tell me how to connect with Commport thru VB6, becoze i have a weight machine andi want to connect that device with a PC thru VB 6. Plz suggest me how it is possible and any type of source code also available at net.

Has anyone coded functionality that allows tabbing inside the grid ie. moving from one cell to another using the tab key?

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