Pharmacy Automation System

It is a software that manages medicine in databases, employee, customer information etc. cash sale, credit sale, expenditures of your store, cash sale history etc....

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can you help me to create a system? please give me some codes,information and details to create a automated billing system of pharmacy. this is for our thesis project.. thak u.. please send it on my e-mail

Dear Maverick, Can you please send me the complete project report and project proposal report and compleet software files on my address tnx alot sir

I am final year student. Can you help me to create a system? Please give me some codes,information related in building hospital admission and discharging system. I'm looking forward with your comment..Thanks a lot.. (my e-mail

please send me on how to store the data base,,, and database error will be occur on your project,,,, how to set data base send me fullv details in my mail

am findind it difficult to download the software.i will be very glad if u could mail the full software to me at Thank u in advance ..may ALLAH bless you.

Plz help. I coudn't find the database file in the project. Plz send it to

Dear Maverick, Your project appears to be great. Need your help Brother. As I build the project i get errors . Please provide me with the solution. Also can you please send me the complete project report and project proposal report and complete software files on my address I have to complete my final project in march 2011. I am really in great trouble. I will make changes in the project, but please help me. Thank You I will be waiting for your help May god Reward you With Health , Prosperity and Success thank you very much Regards Sachin

Hello there !! I and my fellows here appreciate the way you do system and we are ever thankful !!! If you can and have time post me College Student Recording system. That will be very helpful for us thank you. Email:

can you please help me with the documentation, i have successfuly restore and well connected the application with database but have some problems using the application, such as sales other and adding new records. plsssssssss help. thanks alot Sir.

Hey osama.... i am a final year student..... i am too having problem with SQL server "Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo" error in restoring the database file..... Please kindly help me out..... i really dont have much knowledge in SQL as well as in VB.NET!!! please kindly help me out soon......i got very less time to complete my project and submit....!!! morover i dont have any member in my project group!! so you are the only hope of completing my project somehow!!!plz HELP..........

Hi! Dear This is Binod From India, Thanku for posting cod, the Medical Store Project is very well designed and coding is also too good but I faced problem to restoring the bak file by the way I am converting whole code to MS Access Database and it is working very well......... thanks lot bye

Hi can u pliz send ur MS Access Database to my E-mail asap....

Can u post documents of the this project( is very good...

Hi Maverick I am working on a project that is similar to your pharmacy automation system.I am really going through tough time trying to provide documentation for my project. If you have any form of documentation(including report/proposal) on your software please kindly email a copy to my email address : ( thank you in advance Allah be with you!!

Hi.... i'm a final year student.i restore the .bak file in SQL server 2008 and change the data source to my computer name...then what i'll do as i'm using visual studio 2010 plz give response to me as soon as u read this......plz help me ..... Thank you....

How to covert sql database to Access

Bhai , m greatly impressed with your project. I want to do the same project for my final year. It will be of immense help if you could send me the entire project report of your project along with ERD. Mail it to me on Inshallah..may god always give the strength to help those in distress. Eagerly waiting for your reply.

all the best dear..super management system,but this zip fille havent DATABASE fille.pls send me database fille. mya address is thank u

sir may i ask the password and the username??..

sir,can u plz send me the database if u dont mind? i want to get an idea of the products in pharmacy shop and its types..

this is very nice and super project. its very useful to me. can you please send the database file very urgent.. i will submit my project with in this week.. pls brother send me immediately

hi brother im final year student. i want the database for the medical store project. could pls send me today if it is possible i will very happy. bcoz i will submit my project with this week. my email id

hola por favor me podria enviar alguna documentacios o la tabla de la base de datos relacionados se le agradeceria muchisio saludos

got a great idea for a program... can you help?

its a very nice software sir can you please send me the database at my email?? Email: Thanks

its a very nice software,,.. congrats... sir can you please send me the database at my email??

hi can i opin it in v.b studio

hi sir can you please send me the database at my email??

Dear Maverick, Can you please send me the complete project source code and project report and on my address I have to complete my final project in september 2013 , i have already had penalty due to delay of one year, so please help me I will do alot of changes and make it look different , but please help me . thank you i will be waiting for your help May Allah Reward you With Health , Prosperity and Success ameeeen. thank you very much Regards isaac

Hello!sir i just want to ask what design can i make in my inventory system it is all about pharmacy,where the admin can only manipulate the system?I will use vb 6.0. Thank you sir!GOD BLESS!

thank you for this project :)

thank you for this project.,it can help for my thesis project

hi sir can you help me in pharmacy automation system using and mysql workbench connection

Nice project please help me with the database. my email

Pleace send the documentation of this project On my e-mail

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