Student Form

Addition, Updation in listboxes..... i hope u like it.... any suggestions would be very appreciatable... thanks

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thanks to all generous programmer who posted their application in this site it really helps beginner like me ..can someone help me and give me an example of a running enrollment system which has an information system..i really need it to my school project ..i just need a reference and a sample code at the same time..please ...i 'll appreciate any help from you guys , by the way this is my email add [email protected] in advance to the one who will help .. and to all the programmers .. you are all great..wish i could be like you someday

it was an verygood program sir, can i have a favor for you sir, can u give me a example of church record system, where, the data is the members name, members department, the tithes, offering, hor, pledge, rental, others and with add, edit delete, cmd button..tnx sir more power

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