Student Guidance System Thesis

The purpose of this program is to record the complaints and or problem of a student in guidance office. This will keep track the past record of a certain students by using this program. To eliminate a paper work, retrieve the record easily, and create a report. I created this program last February 2004 to help the students in making their thesis. The name, problem, and recommendation herein are just an example only and do not adhere to the true story of the said student. Account Information: Username: admin Password: admin

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our group's chosen system to do is an ordering and sales monitoring system..could u please lend me a copy of sample documentation for this type of system?tnx in advance!! here's my email [email protected]

good day! im a bsit student, can you please help me with our thesis which is an e-learning system... i really need your help sir... tnx in advance kindly send it on my email [email protected]

Good day! Hi All! I'm Ionel Encinares of San Juan City, Philippines. I am one of the students who are having problems regarding with my thesis documentation. My system is all about Time and Attendance Monitoring System with Bar Code. I am open in any help you can provide for me. I need any sample or just an idea to create a documentation. All your helps are very much appreciated. Thank you so much and GOD bless! :) P.S. you can send your help to my e-mail : [email protected]

Sir, can you give me some topics that we can propose for our thesis? it's hard for us to search and think new system programs coz mostly some we can see are all common and made before...He doesn't accept inventory system, sales system, enrollment system, record system,billing system,and ordering system.. hope you can help me sir..tnx....

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

try to propose a ONLINE system.. a reservation system system online..etc..

i need all of this, how much we will pay? Services/modules include: · Workstation loc k . Unused workstations can be securely locked so that no one can use them without proper authorization from the operator/Admin. · Operator profiles . Administrator can create profiles for your employees with appropriate access rights. · Ease of use . Reservation system must be very easy to use, both for operators and customers. The user interface is clean and natural even to beginners. · Reservation . Provide a unique graphical workstation reservation system. You may allow selecting a time period on the workstation chart to create the reservation. In case of unavailable computer units, create a waiting queue function, allowing the operators to manage the waiting list. · Charging . Your system must configure schemes of pricing, including periodical discounts. You can assign different charging rates to computer groups; beneficial pricing can be used with customer accounts. You can even create traffic discounts that adjust prices depending on the number of free computers in your cafe. · Reports and statistics . Your system must provide you with reports and statistics summarizing daily and weekly usage of PC’s and sales. · Print control . Your system must monitor printers on the main PC and on client workstations. Printouts can be confirmed by customers as well as by operators before they are sent to printer. All charges are saved in print reports. 4. Access levels. · Administrator · Operator(Employee) – for the operation of the system, policies and rules · Customers(Users) – 5. Use at least 50 records to test the system.

hi can u pls help me for our chapter 1 in our thesis. our title is Hotel Billing and reservation system.

im an business administration student can you help me on my topic is all about records management system...please reply to my e-mail [email protected] a lot

we need company that needs a system for our thesis and we determined to make a sytem for free..plz help us 09183557307 [email protected]

dear : sir/madame I'm Melvin San Pedro Can you please do create me a program that discuss an LIBRARY SYSTEM using "Visual Basic.Net" so that I will run it through my computer because i already defense it in our school class i badly need it because i do it on my own alone and i need to pass it this coming Saturday i love to do programing but i found it hard to do it alone. I want to do it on my own but I'm think I'm a little bit lock of some other knowledge, this is the only source that I've known and you are my only hope i beg a million times.. million thanks in advance God Bless here is my e-mail address : [email protected]

sir or madam: I'm clares F.Sumampog, sir / i need your help , pls help me in my thesis its all about Website in which the main m0dule is Online Student Information System, i already try my best sir but i think i can't do it all without the guidance of others, i need also your sample documentation related in this system..i hope you can help me about this.. ..a million of thanks kindly reply me in this e-mail add: [email protected]

...Good Day sir!!! can u help u s to make a documentation in our System..we don know how to make it... our deadLine is febuary 14, 2011 ,help us ...sir hope ur kind...thank u here's my [email protected] thankz again i will w8 ur answer..

gud afternoon sir.. can you give me a sample of class attendanca..that is very easy.. i really need ur help..thank you send it to may ymail [email protected]

hi sir anybody there help me.. our system is so complicated.. SIS which covered The Admission,Registers,Guidance and Billing System.... we supposed to do the registration system but our Adviser Want to do that all system..I need an Adviser email me: [email protected] tnx

whath are d projects constrain on this....... we are stablishing an payroll thesiss..... please help.... email: [email protected]

please help me us in our thesis in automated library registration system using Vb or give us code ..thank you..this is my email add: [email protected] i hope u will response..thnks

hi can you help me about how to compute the leaves of employee? like force leave, anniversary leave, sick leave and vacation leave how does it computes? sir/madam?

hi can you pls help me about system overview and data dictionary of hotel reservation and billing system and also the Data flow diagram of the system overview..pls reply asap i really nid ur help..hope for your respond thank can send it to my email address [email protected] plz HELP ME..tnx

I NEED ALL OF THIS. PLEASE HELP ME Services/modules include: · Workstation loc k . Unused workstations can be securely locked so that no one can use them without proper authorization from the operator/Admin. · Operator profiles . Administrator can create profiles for your employees with appropriate access rights. · Ease of use . Reservation system must be very easy to use, both for operators and customers. The user interface is clean and natural even to beginners. · Reservation . Provide a unique graphical workstation reservation system. You may allow selecting a time period on the workstation chart to create the reservation. In case of unavailable computer units, create a waiting queue function, allowing the operators to manage the waiting list. · Charging . Your system must configure schemes of pricing, including periodical discounts. You can assign different charging rates to computer groups; beneficial pricing can be used with customer accounts. You can even create traffic discounts that adjust prices depending on the number of free computers in your cafe. · Reports and statistics . Your system must provide you with reports and statistics summarizing daily and weekly usage of PC’s and sales. · Print control . Your system must monitor printers on the main PC and on client workstations. Printouts can be confirmed by customers as well as by operators before they are sent to printer. All charges are saved in print reports. 4. Access levels. · Administrator · Operator(Employee) – for the operation of the system, policies and rules · Customers(Users) – 5. Use at least 50 records to test the system.

CLASS ATTENDANCE good day sir.. pls can u give me a simple sample of class attendance either using VB or any other language that is very simple to understand. sir pls i need ur help cos its very important. u can send it to my mail box, [email protected] or [email protected]. thank u so much for ur assistance

sir....can u help my friend on how to make a pageant tabulation system??.

can u gave me some related system about "Career/Course recommendation System" i'm having some difficulties in algorithm to be used and how to filter the course with a college percentage is the basis ... email at [email protected]

can you give me a copy of the record management system.... thanks.... and good day sir

Could someone help me about this thesis? I need some codes for VB language. I can accept ideas too. Hope someone would help me. Thank you. You can send it on my email address: [email protected] :)

hi sir , could u please help me by providing code which can store the students details and can generate a reciept once the student pays the fee. sir pls i need ur help cos its very important. u can send it to my mail box, [email protected] hoping a response from u.. thank u so much for ur assistance

hi..good day kindly help us to our thesis project..???our title is point of sale of powersteel which selling hardware things, like a bar,cement,...etc..

hello readers :) need help can anyone give me some ideas on how will i start my thesis.. we failed to defend our thesis, this sem and were given a chance to defend it again this coming june.. we were making an online system for the office of the registrar in our university... guys i need your opinion about this problem i have made. here it is. General problem: what system can be developed to easily manage the student records to be able to speed up the day to day transaction in the office.? General objective: create an online system with flexible record keeping system that would automatically sort need data of student to be given by the staff. comment and suggestion please email me here [email protected] thanks you Godbless

hi sir. Good day we need a technical adviser for our thesis.. any one here email me at [email protected] i've been doing an online student information management system. any one could help me with the documentation of this thesis. help me please...!!!! email me at [email protected] thanks!!!!

Good day Can you please send me an tutorials or step-by-step on how you make the SGIS program. It will help me a lot to enhance my knowledge in VB. Thank you very much. More power and God bless. email: [email protected] -=krAm=-

guiz can you plz help me to make my project in software engineering..plz help me to code the attendance system..

gdaft..jst a favor.. can you pls guide me all about my thesis title? -library system -enrollment system -assessment system -register student information system -online Philippine site system i want to know all the description of that and the benefits..because one of them will be approved by our professor indeed of a title im looking for.thank you.pls do help me. this end of submission is on this week pls see... [email protected]

Hi, is it possible to do the student guidance system in other programing language like php and java? Uhm, is it also possible to add images/pictures of the students to record their data? pls response. Need help here! Thanks a lot. email me at [email protected] --insomnia.psych

please help me to make an automated students information systems? email me: [email protected] tnx..

hi sir im an IT student.. can u help me about the Guidance Information System u s to make a documentation in our System..we don know how to make it... plz send me the step by step process of creating Guidance Information System This is my email add:[email protected]

please help me about this..i need a documentation for my me sir..please email me at [email protected] you and more powers...

hi sir, i'm SE student.. can you tell me what java class i should include in childcare attendance system there the detail about the system. The main purpose for this system is for the Head of Childcare Center to keep track of Overtime Payments parents need to pay at the end of each month. System Requirements are like follows: Normal time parents sending their children is between 645 am till 645 pm Monday to Friday. Beyond that time, parents will be charged RM4 per hour. please send to [email protected] cant log cn i do me pls

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

the username is admin then the password is admin

hi sir im an IT student.. can u help me about the Guidance Information System us to make a documentation in our System..we dont know how to make it... plz send me the step by step process of creating Guidance Information System [email protected] 09126340359 tnx nman po sa thesis nmin ,bout sa guidance monitoring system.. xna ma2lungan neu po kmi.. thnx...

is there any documentation of this system ,, " student guidance system" plz share it to us because it is important for us graduting of IT thanks for information;)

sir pls help about a command in netbeans in progress bar about enrollment system please send in my email [email protected]

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