Library Management System
Credits to admin the one who create the Library System and Library Management System in Ms Access that is posted on this site
for giving the guides in creating the LMS...This system is created to replace the manual lending, returning and inventory of books.
* 2 user account administrator, able to use all system function while user, only for searching books..
*advance search function using SQL "LIKE"
*imposing penalties on due books...
*add/remove books
*classify books according to their category and class
*lost and replace books..
*hide system to system tray
*and many more....
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Java Source code
help me...
sorry my friend... I don't
Hello Brother can u help me?
hey bro i have a coursework
student need the documentation of system
Could you please help me
Source code
This database is amazing
Hello Itachi, There is a Bug in Code!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I awnt CD Library management system project system in JAVA
ya i cn give u lms in vb6 if
source code
Mr. Philip why is it i cant
source code
Hello, Thanks but I don't
Super Thanks!
May i know what is the
Hey Philip
hey philip !
can u give me an example of
Your welcome,,,,, Thanks for
Codes for Library system
Each User And Password
Can I have the souce code please??? ^.^
vb source code for library management system
Hi sir
How do you change it so that
source code
hey!! bro will you send
USer ID and Password required
Help Plzzzzz
Asking for information about access
pls send me the uername and
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