Morgue Management System

This system is basically designed for hospitals that have morgues or stand alone morgues...the system makes administartion and management of the morgues easy and efficient.With this system u can
  1. Register incoming deceased body
  2. Assign room and bed and tag number to deceased body
  3. Capture relatives details of incoming deceased
  4. Generate invoices to relatives of deceased
  5. Process bills
  6. Check out deceased body
The system is absolutely free to use and you can login using the following credentials user:admin pass:admin To install simply find the INSTALL folder within the project folder,go to your phpmyadmin and create a database named mogue_db and import the sql file contained in the INSTALL folder and you are good to go !! enjoy!!

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


I love this system .... Please nice work ... And am thankful

Trying to install on my webserver but does not work. Please help.

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