WPF Listview Demo Project for beginners

Hi to all, I am also beginner in c#. I just started to learn c# WPF code. Here's a sample source code for beginners to implement listview in wpf.(if download not works please use the link below) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OCKdgpoA5DQnq736D5B4kM0XNPIIHio0?usp=sharing Regarding this, if you have any queries please let me know. [email protected] The same time I am stuck some where to code data grid key movements. If anybody have the source sample for that please send to my email. I want billing form datagrid, I dont know which grid we use for item selection, so if anybody knows please guide me with some sample code. Thanks

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S.m. Ashraful Alam>Hi Sir thats not zip file its winrar file.so please remove the zip extention and extract through winrar(for uploading purpose i just change the extension so you change the extention again .rar then extract : rename file put .rar extention) thank you

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