PHP Boolean Variables
Submitted by Yorkiebar on Tuesday, December 31, 2013 - 07:09.
This tutorial will cover boolean variables in PHP.
What is a variable?
A variable is a piece of information which holds a value. Each variable has a type and a reference name. The value of a variable will depend on the type for that particular variable.
What types can a variable be?
There are a few different basic types of variable which include;
Strings hold characters, letters, numbers and symbols in a string format (essentially a character array), Booleans hold a true or false value and Integers hold a full number.
When are booleans used?
Booleans are used to determine if something is true or false and as such it can only hold a 'true' or 'false' value. Booleans are used in statements such as the if and else.
Bool is the shorthand version of Boolean.
Creating a boolean variable named 'bool':
Creating and initializing a boolean variable named 'bool':
Checking if bool is true, and if it is outputting 'Yes':
Checking if bool is true, and if it is outputting 'Yes'; the below code would NOT output:
Even though our boolean is not a string, we can still output the value. However; if it is true, it will be a string value of '1'; and a '0' if it is false:
- $bool;
- $bool = true;
- $bool = true;
- if ($bool) {
- echo 'Yes';
- }
- $bool = false;
- if ($bool) {
- echo 'Yes';
- }
- $bool = true;
- echo $bool;
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