Student Information System
Title of the project: Student Information System of Northhills Institute of Business and Technology
Description: A simple IS(Information System) I made as a project in SAD(System Analisys and Design) subject.
Below is the list of Screenshot..
(Main Menu of Interface of the System)
(Student List... you can add,update, delete student information in this section of the system. By default, it will show you the list of student sorted by their last name. You can filter the list by selecting filtered options. )
(Update Student Interface)
(student Report..list of student in crystal report. )
(Subject List... list of student and their subjects taken(from previous year and current year), You can also add subjects for this section.)
(Add, Update... of subjects)
(Subject List Report)...
(Grades Interface Section... in this section of the system. user allow to update grades of the student.. including the instructor of that subjects.)
(Update grades)
(New Cuuriculum)
Development Tools:
I used Visual Studio 2008 IDE and Visual Basic as proramming language, MySql for database.
hi friend
can u help me with dis
hi sir can i have this
Source Code for this Program
pls,send the source code to me though [email protected]
Hi! This is the one that I've
Please send me the codes at [email protected]
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