Student Information System

Title of the project: Student Information System of Northhills Institute of Business and Technology

Description: A simple IS(Information System) I made as a project in SAD(System Analisys and Design) subject.

Below is the list of Screenshot..

(Main Menu of Interface of the System)

(Student List... you can add,update, delete student information in this section of the system. By default, it will show you the list of student sorted by their last name. You can filter the list by selecting filtered options. )

Sutent List

(Update Student Interface)

Update Student Ifo

(student Report..list of student in crystal report. )

student list report

(Subject List... list of student and their subjects taken(from previous year and current year), You can also add subjects for this section.)


(Add, Update... of subjects)

add subjects

(Subject List Report)...

subject report

(Grades Interface Section... in this section of the system. user allow to update grades of the student.. including the instructor of that subjects.)


(Update grades)

update grade




(New Cuuriculum)

new currinculum





Development Tools:

 I used Visual Studio 2008 IDE and Visual Basic as proramming language, MySql for database.

hello friend! can you tell me on how you are going to make your program(Student informatiion System)its because i like the output of your program and my purpose is to have that one for my project also in SAD. not

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

email me at my email add or you can contact me at my mobile number.. 09285844261... i'll give you the details on how to develop that kind of system..... THANK YOU VERY MUCH...

Can i have the installer of the code and the finish program? I need that for my project send me in my email: 09473134984 THANK YOU!!! PLSSS......

What kind of visual basic this system, i'm using VB 6.0, can i have it a a instoller this kind of software that you are using for.... thanks!

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I developed this system using Visual, I can give you the installer... just email me how to... it is 250mb in file size.

In reply to by malik_pita

sir di nyu pa ata naipsa ung instoller na ibgay u skin

hello, can i ask if u have a program or system developed regarding monitoring of gov't property or gov't supplies?or a project dat is most likely similar to wat i'm asking? thank you,,hope for your immediate response,,,thankz...

hi dude, do you know how to print using crystal rep? i have not yet encountered that matter..but i do know how to add,edit,dlete and search in me on this..thanks..appriciated in advance

can u help me with dis project..plz.. contact me back in my id i need your help... plsssss

hello kaibigan can you tell me on how you are going to made your program (Student informatiion System) its because i like the output of your program and my purpose is to have that one for my project also in SAD, i am going to enhance it more.

I need Student Information System in C++ can you send it to my email thank you

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

when do you need that program?

Can you teach me? i need to know how to do that :(

i like the design of your work sir! can you send your codes because i found that our proposed thesis which is student record management system is related to your work, can you help me of our design, IPO and HIPO? This is my email address:, thanks in advance! have a nice day.

Can i ask for your source code of this Program for my project.. Thank you and more power.. Thank you in Advance.

hi sir can i have this program ?? if you dont mind , i have same of your program in our thesis hopefully it can help me.. this is my email

Hi,Can u plz email me the source of this can help me a lot for managing my students database perfectly..thankz in email id is

Hi! This is the one that I've been looking for. I need to make a grades information system of our section in school. Can you please help me how to do it? Thanks in advance! :)

This looks interesting, please send me the code also at Please: Thanks

Send me the project on

i need Examination Verification System With Biometrics using Visual Basic 6

can you email the source code to

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