Eric Schmidt Dubbed 2014 as Mobile Application Year
Submitted by anthea on Friday, January 3, 2014 - 12:37.
Nowadays, some of the consumers chose and bring handy gadgets with them including "Tablets" and "Phones" which were considered as the latest trend of today's generation.
People also preferred for these two devices, for the fact that they can carry these out wherever they may go, which gives them convenience and enjoyable experience, unlike personal computer and laptop which were difficult to bring.
In regard with this huge trend, this year 2014, software engineer and American executive chairman of Google give his prediction which he dubbed as "Mobile Application Year."
According in an interview with Eric Schmidt at Bloomberg News, he said "The trend has been that mobile was winning. It's now won" and added "There are more tablets and phones being sold than personal computers, and people are moving to this new architecture very fast."
Eric Schmidt also revealed one of his biggest mistake while he was a CEO in Google as he said, "At Google, the biggest mistake I made was not anticipating the rise of the social networking phenomenon," Schmidt said. "Not a mistake we're going to make again. I guess in our defense we were busy working on many other things, but we should have been in that area and I take responsibility for that."
With this latest trend about "Mobile Application Year," Programmers should be aware of this and must start trying as well as develop new form of mobile applications, especially if you are eager to give a huge break for yourself.
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