Creating Gameplay UI

Operating System

Creating Gameplay UI

Create a GameObject that will hold the image for the background and name it as Background. Then drag all the necessary image to fit the desire image for the background just like as shown below. tut35 Then duplicate the Background GameObject then adjust x axis to widen the background like this. tut36 For the Ground GameObject add a Box Collider 2D to make the gameobject stand above the ground. tut37 Note: All the needed Sprites is already included in the sourcecode just locate the file inside the Sprites Directory. Next create a UI Canvas by going in the menu clicking the GameObject , and UI then select Canvas. Rename the Canvas as Gameplay UI and set the component values as show in the image below. tut38 After that we will add a buttons to be able to pause the game.

Pause Button


Gameplay UI – Game Over Panel

We will now create Game Over Panel, this panel will show if the player is already defeated. Create a panel then name it as Game Over Panel Background. And create another panel by just right clicking the GameObject then set its name as Game Over Panel and set the components as shown in the inspector below.

Game Over Panel Background


Game Over Panel

tut41 Then add a several children (Text, Buttons) for the Game Over Panel. Then set the values of each component as shown below.





Gameplay UI – Game Win Panel

We will now create Game Win Panel, this panel will show if the player is already won the level. Create a panel then name it as Game Win Panel Background. And create another panel by just right clicking the GameObject then set its name as Game Win Panel and set the components as shown in the inspector below.

Game Win Panel Background


Game Win Panel

tut45 Then add a several children (Text, Buttons) for the Game Win Panel. Then set the values of each component as shown below.





Gameplay UI – Pause Panel Panel

We will now create Game Win Panel, this panel will show if the player is already won the level. Create a panel then name it as Pause Panel Background. And create another panel by just right clicking the GameObject then set its name as Pause Panel and set the components as shown in the inspector below.

Pause Panel Panel Background


Pause Panel Panel

tut49 Then add a several children (Text, Buttons) for the Pause Panel. Then set the values of each component as shown below.





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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.

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