How to use MS Access 2007 in VB6 for Patient Recording System

Submitted by Ranielle Canlas1 on
Sample Patient Record Management System that is capable of storing records of patient of a certain hospital. This application is created using visual basic 6.0 and the database is created using Microsoft Access 2007. Splash Screen is in simple design using Progress bar for animated loading of preferences (not actual loading) Login screen is connected to database records of users. Main Screen is in

Visual Basic Webpage Scraper

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: In this tutorial I will be showing you how to create a webpage scraper in Visual Basic. This can be used to gather information from certain websites through an automated process. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create a form with a simple button (set the name to scrapeButton), a Text Box (set the name to linkURL), a Rich Text Box (set the name to srcBox) and a Web Browser (set the name to srcBrowser).

Encryption and Decryption VB6

Submitted by Ranielle Canlas1 on
Shows String manipulation on Encryption and Decryption of Text. Shows basic file input and output using Common Dialog Control Encryption is done by replacing every single character into a new one. this is used to have a secured information to negate illegal access. File encryption is done by opening the file and encrypting it, then the encrypted text of file is printed into a new file

Picture Swapper VB6

Submitted by Ranielle Canlas1 on
Simple VB6 Application that enables to swap 2 pictures on a period of time automatically. I recommend to use 2 pictures that shows your movement to create a Frame by Frame animated effect. This shows the usage of Timer and Picture Uploading Just upload 2 pictures by clicking on the thumbnails on the upper left part of the screen

Word Counter in Java

Submitted by tutgeeks on
Here is a Java program I made in Java that counts the number of words and number of lines in of an inputted String. Check this out! import java.util.Scanner; public class PrintPerWord { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner read = new Scanner(; String myString = new String(); System.out.print("Please enter any string: "); myString = read.nextLine(); int line = 0, let = 0, size

Saving the Objects in Java

Submitted by mehfuza on
Our programs reside on Hard Disk. Every program is brought into Main memory(RAM) for execution. Variables, Objects are runtime entity which means they are saved in RAM. Once you run the Program, variables, objects come into existence but once we close our program they are deleted from the Main Memory. In order to save the state(instance variable) of objects they must be saved on Secondary Memory(Hard Disk). Following are steps for serializing(saving) the objects.

Connecting MySQL Database using Visual Basic.NET

Submitted by joken on
In this tutorial I am going to show you the process on how to connect Basic using MySQL Database. To begin with, you need to download the MySQL Connector/NET first from this link After downloading, you need to install it so the connector will now available to use under the Reference. Now let’s begin creating our application using VB.NET (I’m Using VB Express 2008 edition). And this time you need to add a reference using MySQL Connector.