My School Direct

Submitted by akora4 on
High School Portal system developed with ASP.NET and VB.NET backed with SQL Sever . It consist of student Login for checking and printing terminal report and bills. Staff Login to manage student grading and Administrator for managing Bills. Enjoy using this source code. Wishing you lots of code thanks.

Hotel Management System Version 4.5

Submitted by Jatin_Zalavadiya on
Main Features are: Master Entries : 1. Hotel Master 2. Hotel Plan Master 3. Currency Master 4. ID Type 5. Guest 6. Room Type 7. Room Master 8. Extra Bed 9. Extra Person 10. Banquet Hall Master 11. Garden Master 12. Food Category 13. Table Master 14. Food Master 15. Liquor Category 16. Liquor Quantity 17.Liquor Master 18. Liquor Pricing 19. Laundry Master 20. Expense Type 21. Expense Master 22.Tax

Create Backup / Restore Database using PHP

Submitted by bobaytot12 on
In this project we are going to learn how to create backup database and Download or Restore in sql file using PHP. Instructions: Choose and upload a file to your system or project, then you can click the RESTORE DATABASE button to restore the database file or you can click the BACKUP DATABASE button to backup and store the sql file in the folder named backup. Upload only sql database file. This

Random Code Generator using PHP

Submitted by jaredgwapo on
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to make a random code generator. You may download this file and use it to your projects or systems. Creating Our Form 1. We need to create our form tag and the method is post.. 2. Create our button, name it generate and the type is submit Generate Code Creating Our PHP Script 1. create a variable named today, it is the date today. We should include this

Dialogs and Notification Logs using Jquery

Submitted by jaredgwapo on
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about dialogs and notification logs using jquery. You can use this in your systems or projects. just download the source code. Instructions Link the css and js scipts Writing the javascript code Writing the HTML code Alert Dialogs and Logs Dialogs Logs Alert Dialog Standard Log Confirm Dialog Success Log Prompt Dialog Error Log Custom Labels Custom Log

Shorten Long/Large Numbers using PHP

Submitted by Jeprox on
Good Day. In this project we are going learn how to shorten long numbers to K/ M/ B/ T/q/Q/s/S/O/N/d. This function abbreviates a large number it display numbers like 3.5K and 4.2M. thousandsCurrencyFormat(1000) - 1k (One Thousand) thousandsCurrencyFormat(1000000) - 1M (One Million) thousandsCurrencyFormat(1000000000) - 1B (One Billion) thousandsCurrencyFormat(1000000000000) - 1T (One Trillion)

Simple Mapping System using PHP and JQuery

Submitted by jaredgwapo on
In this tutorial, we are going to learn to learn how to make a drag and drop system and save its location. This is a simple project that you can use in your website or system. DIRECTIONS PUT THE LINKS INSIDE YOUR HEAD TAG CSS CODE HTML CODE " style="position: absolute; top: px; left: px; z-index: 9999; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> " id="top" value=""> " id="left" value=""> " style="display: none;"

Drag and Drop Shopping Cart using JQuery

Submitted by Jeprox on
In this project you are going to learn drag and drop feature in shopping cart using JQuery. This Drag and Drop Shopping Cart feature can be useful to your website or project. Source Code: Shopping Cart Products Gadgets iPhone iPod iPad Accessories Earphone USB Cord Powerbank Bags Zebra Striped Black Leather Alligator Leather Shopping Cart Add your items here