How To Get The Difference Between Two Dates In PHP

Submitted by alpha_luna on

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In this article, we are going to learn on How To Get The Difference Between Two Dates In PHP. In the PHP, to calculate the difference between two dates has many ways to do this. To get the difference of hours between two dates, we have to use the functions of datetime. We have the start date and end date to get their difference hour.

ECIT Web-Based School Management System (Yii Framework)

Submitted by abfiph on
# ECIT 1.0 # # Introduction # Welcome to ECIT! Education Courseware Information Tool ECIT has a designated of selective cores specifically fitted to the requirements of school campus. ECIT is designed considering range of managing multi-functions within entire school campus. With the use of ECIT , employee can be more accountable as it helps to know the track performance of each department quickly

How To Get Average Of Five Numbers Using JavaScript

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this tutorial, we are going to learn on How To Get Average Of Five Numbers Using JavaScript. AngularJS is a JavaScript framework. It can extend the HTML tag with the new attributes. It is perfect to use for SPAs or (Single Page Applications). Today, this is a simple program using AngularJS that the user will input the five (5) value numbers that our program will compute the average of five (5) numbers automatically.

Addition Of Four Numbers Using JavaScript

Submitted by alpha_luna on

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In this tutorial, we are going to learn a simple program and this is called Addition Of Four Numbers Using JavaScript. Which have HTML Form Tag to have the sum of four numbers. We have four text box to input the number to be added, one for sum button, and one for the reset button to clear the input number that the user has a new value of the number to be added.