Clustering Node.js

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Node.js is single-threaded. As every design decision this one has its benefits and drawbacks. A benefit is - it is significantly harder to "shoot yourself in a foot" with multithreaded code. With languages like C++ or Java, multithreading is a separate subject that is rather advanced and even considered to be a form of a black magic by some developers. So in JavaScript you don't even have to think about scary terms like "deadlock", "race condition" or "memory barrier". What's the downside?

Complete Python Bootcamp: Go From Zero to Hero in Python

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For a developer like me, it’s a must to maintain what we already know while learning new things at the same time. I've been a PHP developer for many years and more language has now been developed and developers of different groups opted on using what they can adapt into. Generally speaking, Python language remarks with this. For years, Python seems to overlap PHP more especially in developing

Writing UDP Client/Server Application with Node.js

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Writing UDP server with Node.js Different application require different design of networking protocols. Everything that is built for web is using HTTP (recently WebSockets and WebRTC too for real-time data). If your clients are not browsers and you need reliable and guaranteed channel your choice is TCP/IP. There's however one more protocol that is often used for the cases when the speed is more important that delivery guarantees and ordering: UDP. UDP stands for Unified Datagram Protocol and it shines in the applications like fast-paced online gaming.

Building TCP/IP Applications with Node.js

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Most of the times Node.js is used for HTTP-based servers. There are times however when you need to go one level deeper, and write your software based on TCP/IP protocol instead of HTTP. Indeed, HTTP was originally designed as a request-response protocol, and it is text-based. TCP/IP is more "raw": it is binary (meaning, more effective) and also it is full-duplex persistent connectinon (which again means it is more effective). If you are building an application that is not targeted specifically at browsers, there's a good chance that TCP/IP will be a better choice to you than HTTP.

Real-time Geographical Data Visualization with Node.js, Socket.IO and Leaflet

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Data visualisation is becoming an increasingly important subject. As the complexity an volumes of data increase, it is getting harder and harder to make sense of bare arrays of numbers without relevant visualisation models. Let me give you a good example. Right now I work in China. Few months ago there appeared a new startup: bycicle sharing service that used GPS sensors on each bike to track it in the city. Now let's imagine, you need analyse how evenly your bikes are distributed around the city and how many of them are in motion right now.

Using Azure DocDB with Node.js

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Moving your project to a cloud might be a difficult task especially since there are so many different cloud services out there. AWS is the most popular one and Azure is a very close competitor. In this article I will show you how to start using Azure, namely its NoSQL database service - DocDB. NOTE: Azure is a great platform, however it has significantly less tutorials and examples available online (compared to AWS). Before we start to write the code we will need to prepare the dependencies.

How to Do Pattern Matching in VB.NET

Submitted by ashok05 on
HOW TO DO PATTERN MATCHING IN VB.NET Searching for a particular text is one of the important applications in text processing. Searching becomes more difficult when the size of text increases. Regular expression is a method used to reduce the time and complexity of searching. Regular expressions also called as RegEX which describes the pattern (set of strings which needs to be searched). HOW TO

Programmer's Joke

Submitted by coderz on
It's a common thing as a programmer to run into some weird code that non-programmers are having difficulty to comprehend. Take for example the above-shown code where a single character can totally change what the code means. This is just one of the few instances that only C language based coder can understand.

Learn How to Create Video Game with Unity and C#

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Learn to Code by Making Games - The Complete Unity Developer Have you also experience exerting all efforts on finding for a course that will teach you to develop a game and end up not wanting to continue it anymore? We’ve been through the same boat. For years, I can always find myself surfing through the internet while I’m having my morning coffee until late night when the lights are already down