Login Form in C# using MySQL 2012 in ASP.Net

Submitted by mpsingh on
This tutorial is a login form using C# and MySQL. We will be focusing on how to create an application that will allow the user to create a login system where the user accounts will be stored in the database. And we will be using the Microsoft database and we’re going to create a new project called “LoginApplication”.

Beautiful Widget Dashboard using Javascript, Angular and CSS

Submitted by mkcoder on
Simple Widget Dashboard with three amazing widgets. Clock, Weather and Calendar. This dashboard has been developed using Javascript, Angular, CSS and HTML. The code is very simple to understand. I will be posting more content to help you learn. Please keep visiting this website for more. Want help in coding join - codejango bootcamp

CASAP CP-A Grading System

Submitted by Andrie Octavio… on
This grading system have 2 parts. One is for the teacher and the other is for the students. The teachers page enable the teacher to add, delete and edit students. It can also solve student's gradades and post it on student's page. Student's page is where the student's can view the grades posted by the teachers. Members: Andrea amor octavio emel agustin bermeo christinebelle grace marfil maria

C# - Populate ComboBox With SQLite

Submitted by razormist on
Learn on how to create a Populate ComboBox With SQLite using C#. C# is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. C# automatically manages inaccessible object memory using a garbage collector, which eliminates developer concerns and memory leaks. C# is faster than dynamically typed languages because things are more clearly defined. It contains several classes that support any C# platforms, like game development. It has a friendly environment for all new developers.