The Simple Way to Navigate Records Based On ListView in C#

Submitted by janobe on
This time, I will teach you how to navigate records based on ListView in C# and MySQL Database. This method has the ability to navigate records in the ListView. It also provides a next and previous button that allows the movement of records back and forth. In this way, you can control the data to be displayed in the listview.

The Easy Way to Search Data in ListView Using C# and MS Access Database

Submitted by janobe on
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to search for data in the listview with ease by using MS Access database and C#. This method is the easiest way to retrieve data in the database and display it into the listview. It also has an automatic searching of data in the listview. This technique is very useful for you when you are a beginner in this field.

Point of Sales System

Submitted by beedyboy on
This is full Source code for point of sales system developed using PHP and MySql server as a back-end. its consists of the following modules: User Registration Suppliers ' Management Stocking (Products - add, edit, delete) Reports (Staff and Calendar based reports) Accounts Roles Sales Window Link Sales (Add to existing placed order) Basket (Completed order made by waiter or waitress in a day)

Create a dynamic NumericUpDown and button into the DataGridView.

Submitted by Thongkorn on
This article is an extension of the grid capabilities (DataGridView) which is the basic control (or component) that is attached from Microsoft. By adopting a button that increases or decreases integer values (NumericUpDown) is inserted into the grid (Between 1 - 100), but there will be something special will cause 2 events: Mouse click, click on the cell of the grid that we want, then the