Create a dynamic NumericUpDown and button into the DataGridView.
Submitted by Thongkorn on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 - 21:54.
This article is an extension of the grid capabilities (DataGridView) which is the basic control (or component) that is attached from Microsoft. By adopting a button that increases or decreases integer values (NumericUpDown) is inserted into the grid (Between 1 - 100), but there will be something special will cause 2 events: Mouse click, click on the cell of the grid that we want, then the NumericUpDown Will appear over the cell. And pressing the key from the keyboard into the grid cell instead In order to prevent pressing the key values that we do not need, except numbers 0 through 9 only.
Thank You.
I hope this sample application will help you.
Thongkorn Tubtimkrob
For outside from Thailand can be contact me at My Facebook
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