Point of Sales System

This is full Source code for point of sales system developed using PHP and MySql server as a back-end. its consists of the following modules:
  • User Registration
  • Suppliers ' Management
  • Stocking (Products - add, edit, delete)
  • Reports (Staff and Calendar based reports)
  • Accounts
  • Roles
  • Sales Window
  • Link Sales (Add to existing placed order)
  • Basket (Completed order made by waiter or waitress in a day)
  • Licensing
  • Database backup
Database name: bakery (located in the folder as bakery.sql) username: Admin password: admin Project available on git https://github.com/beedyboy/bakery For more information, contact us on Contact: +234 703 735 1836 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bode.bolade1 Email: [email protected]

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After logging in the system goes into a redirect loop and Chrome + Firefox complain about too many redirects.

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