SQL TOP Clause

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The SQL provides us with the option to retrieve a specific set of data from the table, rather than fetching all the table or only some specific rows by mentioning the matching condition in the WHERE clause.

Now what if you want to get the top 10 rows or top 5 rows from the table, or you simply want to retrieve the last, middle number of rows. But the top clause is not supported by all DBMS, some have respective syntax. However the SQL Limit can also act in the same way. For Oracle equivalent is Rownum.


SQL IN Operator

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The SQL IN operator is used with the WHERE clause in the SELECT statement, this can be used to look to the dataset matching the condition and looking in the supplied data, in easier words, the IN operator can make further selections in the selected data.

The SQL IN operator can also be used to write nested SQL queries, the nested query first fetches some data and then the wrapper query select or simply filters more from the selected data.

Now let's see the IN operator in Action.

SQL IN Syntax

SQL LIKE Operator

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The SQL provides us with the option to retrieve a specific set of data from the table, based on matching it with some sort of string with which we are unsure how it is stored in the database, e.g. if one does not know what is the actual spelling of certain thing, or he simply wants to search the database on the given values, the LIKE operator can be used in building a simple search bar on the website, which will get all the results from the database that matched the string given in the search Bar.


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The SQL BETWEEN operator is used with the WHERE clause in the SELECT statement, this can be used to look for the data between the minimum and the maximum values given to the clause, The BETWEEN clause has DBMS specific behavior, some of the DBMS will do an inclusive between and some will do exclusive. That will also include the values mentioned as the minimum and maximum and some will ignore the minimum and maximum and will simply list the values in between them.

How to Calculate Two Columns in DataGridView

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In my previous tutorial using DataGridView Control I explained on “How to Differentiate Two Cell Values in DataGridView Control”. This time I will teach you on how to calculate two columns in DataGridView Control.

This tutorial is very useful if you want to make a total of the two columns. For example a total of “Qty” and “Sales Price” Column.

Additionally, we will make a total of the “Amount” column.