Windows Internals 6th Edition Detailed How Windows Works

Since I learned programming I have been using all the books published by Microsoft Press, especially the series of books Inside Windows NT (Microsoft Programming Series) first published by Microsoft Press way back 2002 tackling inside windows and was written by Helen Custer. I have learned a lot from the series of books which was published and intended for programmers and system administrators who want to understand how the core components of the Microsoft Windows and Windows Server operating systems work internally. I really appreciate the efforts of those authors who make the latest version of Windows Internals 6th edition, true to it's promised of providing relevant information to the community of developers. The Windows Internals, Part 1: Covering Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 detailed the internals of the core kernel components of the Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems. The latest edition of Windows Internals helps programmers to understand how the core system and management mechanisms work—from the object manager to services and to the registry. By reading and understanding the book, I was able to comprehend the scheduler’s priority and CPU placement algorithms. I was able to explore the internal system data structure through the use of a kernel debugger. The book helps me understand how Windows manages physical and virtual memory, and troubleshooting a file-system access problems have been easy as well as the system boot problems after I finished reading the book. The Windows Internals, Part 1: Covering Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 was written by by Mark Russinovich, David Solomon, Alex Ionescu. The book came in two part, the first part was already released last March, 2012. Grab a copy of Windows Internals Part 1 Now.

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