How to Start with Google App Script
Submitted by navajocodetalker on Wednesday, August 8, 2012 - 10:22.
Google defines Google Apps Script as a JavaScript cloud scripting language that provides easy way to automate tasks across Google products and third party services and build web applications.
As programmers we have to realized that App Script is just a JavaScript, meaning if you know JavaScript, it is easier to learn Google App Script. What is the difference with the JavaScript and Google App Script or simply what is that new to learn.
There are two main things to consider with the App Script, the object library and the idea of a container.
App Script is a JavaScript augmented with a very large collection of objects that have methods and properties. This is the area that you have to explore and which parts you decide to explore depends on what you are trying to do.
The second important idea is that of a container. It runs in a range of possible environments each one is a container. For example if you start a new project you are offered a range of different.
To start with Google App Script, first things you have to do is to make sure that you have a Google Account.
The main site you will need to use and the one that has the IDE that you can use to work with your projects is:
Google App Script
You can find the current status of all of the services that Google offers you need to visit:
Google Status
and finally for documentation you also need to visit:
App Script Documentation
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