vb program that stored records


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-»activity for prelim zzzzzz but not all requirements meets by this program i hope i will get hmm at least 80% grade xD

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beri bad...some error appear wen opening the program heres another link: http://www.4shared.com/file/N1cYL6yI/simple_stud_rec.html or http://www.mediafire.com/?t67yegg3kgzp85t

Can you pls send me the source code. i need it for reference.plsssss [email protected] pwede error free. plsss po

sir can u give me a full sample of Budget Record management system??

hi,can you give me a sample hardware inventory system?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

me i help u....

pls send me a source code of hardware inventory system this is my e-add:[email protected] thanks..

Sir can give some code for billing system i need it to my finals . thank you very much ..

Goodeve sir, i would like to have a copy of your program for reference. Could you send it with the .sln files? thank you

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