Control Remote Computer
How to use the program:
The program has 2 files to run a client/server. The server resides on the victim's computer and the client connects to the server program. You do not have to worry about running the server program as it will not do anything unless it receives command from the client program. Once the server ready to accept connection it will listen on the port 40131. To connect to the server program just input the IP Address of the computer.
Password: testing
Note: For educational purpose only.
Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.
Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.
1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.
The instruction is straight forward. You install the server program on the target machine and connects to it using the client program at port 40131 and the.
server program is not running
server program is not running it runs & then stops also client is not connecting to server
pls help its urgent
server program is not running
So to use this you need the server program to reside on the Targets Computer and it doesn't need to be running right? So you just need to know the IP address of the Target, and once you input that IP address to the Cliet Program and the server program on the Targets computer will run and you can give it commands and record the targets actions??? And what is port 40131?? Is there any other ports?
Hi dude
I am aravind and yesterday only i visisted this website. And i got lot of information from this website. I need small information that HOW CAN I ABLE TO ACCES THE DATA FROM FINANCE.YAHOO.COM.. I am doing some Stock Management project, It will retrive the data from internet and saved in to the DB. Can you help me that how ca i able to do that thing in C# or ASP.NET.. and also i need some sample code for REAL ESTATE Management System.My Email Id is [email protected] hope i can get some idea from you
re: Questions
There's a lot of contact in my Messenger so I can't give you this. If you have question, you may post it here or email me at contact page.
how do i compile
i have downloaded the code, i get all the visul basic files. i tried to compile them but i was unsuccessful. what program should i use?
re: how do i compile
What do you mean by "what program should i use?"?. Do you mean the visual basic?
You need visual basic 6.0 to compile this program.
re: .OCX files
I run Ubuntu 8.10 Linux, how
re: I run Ubuntu 8.10 Linux, how
not connecting
re: not connecting
re: what do you mean?i run the
I will run first the server
re: Copyright
sorry >hmmmm
Superb Program
Hey there dude I got a question about this program
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