Mediksys (Hospital Management System)
Submitted by Olasunkanmi on Thursday, December 19, 2013 - 09:56.
Mediksys is a hospital management system designed using Visual Studio 2008 and MS Access 2003.
Username and password is admin
Features include save, delete, edit, refresh, search by either first name, surname or id. The search also includes autocomplete.
Crystal report with option to print a single selected record or all the records in a datatable. Also a flexibility in the DataGridView which populates all fields when a record is clicked on the gridview.
For more inquires mail [email protected] or call +234(0)7066722345.
A big thanks to the admin of this wonderful site ( and all programmers here, you all are wonderful. Thanks for all you post and upload they really contributed to my coding skills and flexibility.
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