Stationary Information System

Stationary Information System Enables Administrator to; - post news to his/her workers - manage users - view sales - view/add stock - change his/her password - backup and restore database - send backup copy to the email - check for updates Enables Normal user to; - view news - sale a product - view stock - change his/her password For any question, please contact me via email or sourcecodester message modules. Please fill free to visit my other projects on HBT - Developers

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administrator login details: username: cngirwa password: 12qwaszx normal user login details: username: cngirwa1 password: 12qwaszx

Can I have The full documentation of this project, This is my email, [email protected]. Thank You

In reply to by farain (not verified)

Hello, this is for learning purpose only. The documentation of this system can be provided to you upon agreements. If you accept it, then let me know

i need source code for using on my business

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