Payroll System v2.0 *UPDATED*

This Payroll System is written in VB.NET as front end and SQL Server as back end its totally according to requirements of company for which i developed this software...

Main Features are : 1. Employee Profile 2. Employee Attendance 3. Advance Entry 4. Employee Payment 5. Salary slip 6. Advance Records Searching 7. Employee Attendance Report 8. Employee Payment and Over Time Report 9. Employee Advance Entry report 10.Employee Registration Report

Login Information : Username - admin Password - 12345 note: Source Code is only available for educational purpose , plz dont use it for commercial purpose without permission of original author Requirements - Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2012, SQL Server 2008 or above and Crystal Report for VS 2010 must be installed on your system to run this Project Successfully For students or anyone else who needs program or source code for thesis writing or any Professional Software Development,Website Development,Mobile Apps Development at affordable cost contact me at Email : [email protected],[email protected] Facebook : skype- [email protected] WhatsApp or Viber - +919827858191 Contact Number - +919827858191 Hangout- [email protected]

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saludo la base de datos no esta para hacer la prueba

i really appreciate your intelligence and kind gesture. i don't know if u have any work on Loan system or management system. i would appreciate any help u wish to render. Here is my email addy [email protected]. looking forward to hearing from you.

I downloaded the .zip file and click on the Payroll Manager.sln file and I got an error. The output screen says Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\abc\AppData\Local\Temp\\Payroll Manager\Payroll Manager\Payroll Manager\Payroll Manager.vbproj'. C:\Users\abc\AppData\Local\Temp\\Payroll Manager\Payroll Manager\Payroll Manager\Payroll Manager.vbproj

i really appreciate your piece of work but can u pls tell mee step by step procedure to execute this project ...

nice like it.. this must be the best site for the student

Your progam is very helpful

i think is good if you give 3 trials in login form. system block

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