Sales and Inventory System

Sales and Inventory, can be use either in LAN or STANDALONE, written in VB.NET 2008 PRO along with MICROSOFT SQL_SERVER 2005 / 2008, can also be use WITH or WITHOUT barcode reader.. If there's any error(s) on any of the forms you can download the Original Code at : Where to find the database?? - it's already on the "_SCRIPTS_SQL_DATABASE" folder, you just need to choose what sql server version you are using. - if you don't know how to execute the scripts, find some tips on the net on how to do it.. CRYSTAL REPORTS - if your using 2008 pro you DON'T need to download the crystal report.. - if your using 2008 / 2010 that DOESN'T have a crystal report on the installation, you should get on the net and install it, it's Crystal Report version X or above. BARCODE FONT - i use code39 for the barcode font, download and install it :D it's available and free AT : Thanks...

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excellent...thanks for sharing your code...

hi.can this be edited ? Or can you give me tutorials about creating that? Thanks! I would appreciate it if u post a totorial in youtube.

It is very excellent!! If you wont help others Please E-mail Me [email protected]

very good source code will make project on this basic

Its a very nice explanation. fantastic

Nice project, wish you the best

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